

大发娱乐的团队拥有丰富的教育背景和经验,能够理解患有糖尿病的人的需求 自闭症谱系障碍. 大发娱乐和孩子们一起工作, 青少年, 成年人, 以及他们的家人的持续护理, 包括公立学校, 医院, 日间治疗设置, 门诊设置.

Our goal is to partner with individuals and 家庭 to improve the lives of individuals with 自闭症谱系障碍. 大发娱乐之间的伙伴关系 精神科, 神经行为家庭项目,和 亨斯迈心理健康研究所.


南盐湖,UT 84115



大发娱乐的许多服务都可以虚拟完成. 致电大发娱乐的办公室801-587-8020安排预约或了解更多信息.



Join our mailing list to receive updates from our clinic and other helpful information about resources, 事件, 和研究.



大发娱乐为自闭症患者和他们的家庭大发娱乐提供服务. 虽然大发娱乐的大部分服务都是为自闭症患者设计的,但大发娱乐治疗组 为任何需要支持的人大发娱乐提供与社交焦虑相关的挑战, 社会交际, 或者其他类似于自闭症患者的困难.










服务成本 & 保险责任范围

犹他大学健康中心与许多商业保险公司签订了合同. Please call your insurance company and ask if you have access to health care services at U of U Health locations, 以及什么(如果有的话)共同支付, 共同保险, 免赔额由你负责.

干预 & 治疗


Our team of Behavior Analysts and Registered Behavior Technicians work with 家庭 to provide evidence based treatment that has a foundation in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). After an initial assessment; behavior analysts work with 家庭 to develop and implement treatment goals based on individual needs. Adjustments to these plans and goals are made based on date collected during each treatment session. Our specialists are highly trained in providing Early 干预 for children ages 0–8 and Positive Behavior Supports for individuals ages 9 and older.


治疗是个体化的,在第一次治疗中就确立了目标. 大发娱乐可以这样说:

  • 同时发生的情感问题,比如 焦虑 和/或 抑郁症
  • 家庭动力学
  • 行为的挑战
  • 社会的困难


虽然大发娱乐的诊所没有药物管理服务,但大发娱乐可以为您推荐大发娱乐行为健康诊所 预约精神病医生.

如果建议进行药物治疗, a psychiatric provider can also be recommended based on where you live and your insurance coverage.


治疗将根据每个病例和许多人而有所不同, 多种方式的结合可能是合适的. 大发娱乐诊所常用的治疗方法包括但不限于:

  • 认知行为疗法(CBT)
  • 动机性访谈
  • 辩证行为疗法
  • 游戏治疗
  • 亲子互动治疗(PCIT)
  • 接受与承诺疗法(行为)
  • 心理教育
  • 人为本/罗氏方法
  • 正念的方法
  • 对个人和父母的支持性互动

测试 & 磋商

自闭症的测试 & 评估

大发娱乐大发娱乐提供评估 自闭症谱系障碍(ASD) 适用于任何年龄的个人. Other testing or psychiatric consultation may be offered for the purpose of clarifying an ASD diagnosis or offering additional insights into co-occurring conditions, 比如行为和情感上的困难, 一些共病性疾病, 智力功能, 执行功能技能, 适应性技能.


Many children/青少年 with ASD at times display difficult-to-manage behaviors (such as aggression, 自残, 对立的行为, 和其他人). We can help set up home behavior plans and help 家庭 manage these behaviors more effectively.


如果您想安排测试,请致电(801)587-8020. Support staff will gather brief information from you and you will be placed on the waitlist for testing. 当您有咨询的时间时, 大发娱乐将通过电话联系您安排初次预约.


初次会诊包括持续约一小时的临床面谈. 这通常是一个虚拟的约会. 在面试结束时, 您的医生将讨论下一步的步骤,以及是否需要进一步的评估, 他们也会安排和你的会面. 你和你的医生将共同决定是亲自就诊还是虚拟就诊. 他们还会大发娱乐提供更多关于评估的信息.

The feedback session is scheduled with your provider after the evaluation is complete and you will also receive a written report with testing results and diagnostic information.


If the person being evaluated has had previous psychological testing a copy of those reports is helpful. 如果他们有一个个性化的教育计划(IEP)或根据504获得住宿, 你将被要求大发娱乐提供他们最近的计划的副本. 对于有iep的学生, 您还将被要求大发娱乐提供他们最近的特殊教育评估的副本.





娜塔莉·伯格博士, 有执照的心理学家, 助理教授, earned her doctorate of philosophy from the University of Utah Educational Psychology program in 2014. She began working with the autism community as a graduate research assistant at the Utah Autism 研究 Program in 2008. 她在匹兹堡的沃森研究所完成了APA认证的实习, 宾西法尼亚, 她在那里专门从事自闭症培训. Dr. 伯格还作为自闭症增强培训生参加了URLEND项目. Before working within the Department of Pediatrics at the University Developmental Assessment Clinics (2015-2016), 她做了四年的学校心理学家. 除了通过诊所大发娱乐提供评估和评估,Dr. 伯格喜欢教授和培训对自闭症谱系障碍感兴趣的学生. Dr. 伯格很高兴能成为自闭症谱系障碍诊所团队的一员. 在她的业余时间,博士. 伯格喜欢阅读、烹饪、户外活动和与家人共度时光.

Caralee Cumming, LCSW

Caralee earned her master of social work degree from the University of Utah and a bachelor of science in behavioral science from Utah Valley University. 自毕业, Caralee曾在RISE/Intercept工作, 南俄勒冈州的选择, 最近, HMHI行为健康诊所. Caralee的临床兴趣是认知行为疗法, 尤其是10岁以下的孩子, 及亲子互动治疗. Caralee is in the process of submitting her documentation to complete certification with PCIT International. Caralee enjoys spending time training and playing with her dogs, reading, dancing, and traveling.

Nicolette Goines,医学博士,BCBA, LBA

Nicolette Goines is a board-certified behavior analyst and has been with the HMHI 自闭症谱系障碍门诊 since 2015. She received her master’s degree in special education with an emphasis in applied behavior analysis from the University of Utah. Prior to this she received a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University-Idaho with emphases in marriage and family studies, 儿童发展, 和营养. 她擅长早期干预服务和社会技能小组, but loves applying the principles of applied behavior analysis to help individuals of all stages of life. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢和她的配偶和孩子们打网球, 徒步旅行, 玩棋盘和纸牌游戏, 在户外. 

凯特琳·麦克弗森硕士,BCBA, LBA

自2012年以来,凯特琳一直在大发娱乐有发育障碍的人. Her experience includes designing behavior analytic programs in a variety of settings including school and in home programs. 她于2012年获得犹他大学心理学学士学位, and her graduate degree in applied behavior analysis and autism from The Sage Colleges in 2016. Caitlin received her board-certified assistant behavior analyst (BCaBA) in 2014 and became a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) in 2016. 她于2017年在犹他州获得执业执照.


珍妮·普林格尔,LMFT, graduated with her master's in counseling from Truman State University in Missouri and later moved to California where she pursued additional education to earn licensure as a marriage and family therapist (MFT). She has been licensed as a MFT in Utah since 2012 and providing mental health services to children, 家庭, 以及不同环境下的成年人. Jenny’s clinical interests are utilizing evidence-based modalities to empower clients in learning strategies that move them towards established goals for treatment. 珍妮接受过认知行为疗法的培训, 行为, MI, and DBT and views the therapeutic alliance as a partnership and client directed collaboration. Jenny provides individual therapy primarily to school age and adult clients both in clinic and virtually. 珍妮来自爱荷华州,喜欢与家人共度时光, 运行, 徒步旅行, 在犹他州享受美丽的户外.



自闭症冒险营 is an activities-based summer program designed to help those with high functioning autism. Campers ranging in age from 8 to 12 will learn social skills that will help build their self-esteem.



大发娱乐的研究项目在世界范围内受到高度尊重和认可. The work we do is critical to understanding the causes of autism and developing successful treatments for ASD.

