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Effect of Obesity on Pregnancy

Weight is a sensitive topic no matter what size you are. Society sends women messages about how they should look. 但是,如果你怀孕了,并且临床上超重或肥胖,这意味着你的身体质量指数(BMI)为25公斤/米2 or greater—and your doctor brings up the topic of weight, 他们对肥胖对母亲和婴儿的医学影响很感兴趣. They aren’t judging your appearance. If they do, you might want to find a different doctor.

大多数女性都承认,超重会带来健康风险. 大多数人会告诉你,他们知道它与高血压和糖尿病有关. 但并不是每个人都知道超重怀孕(或肥胖怀孕)会导致许多健康问题和并发症. Effects of obesity on pregnancy include: 

If you’re overweight or obese, doctors say it’s best to lose weight before you conceive, as being obese can lower your chances of getting pregnant. (Women can often stop ovulating when they’re obese.) If you’re 100-plus pounds overweight you might even consider bariatric surgery它会让你的胃变小,从而降低你的食欲.

If you’re already pregnant and obese, 你仍然可以享受一个健康的怀孕,有一个健康的宝宝. 只要与你的妇产科医生或助产士密切合作,制定正确的饮食和锻炼计划,以避免并发症.

How Much Weight Should I Gain?


  • Obese: 11–20 lbs
  • Overweight: 15–25 lbs
  • Normal weight: 25–35 lbs
  • Underweight: 28–40 lbs

In other words, if you’re overweight and pregnant or obese and pregnant, here is a good rule of thumb.

达到这些数字所需的卡路里数量取决于你的身高, your body mass index (BMI), your activity level, and your metabolism. 一般来说,在怀孕的前三个月你不需要额外的卡路里. 一旦到了妊娠中期和晚期,你每天将需要额外的200-400卡路里.

Try not to get too hung up on the numbers, though. 建议指南作为你和你的医生的参考点, who cares about your physical and mental health. 体重明显增加或增加不足可能是抑郁或焦虑的迹象. 这些对你和宝宝的健康也有重要的影响.

Being pregnant can be overwhelming. Eat this; not that. Do this; not that. 记住你是独一无二的,每个人都有不同的健康方法. 找一些可行的、令人愉快的,而不是让人不知所措的事情.

If you don’t exercise currently, 突然间一周七天都去健身房可能会导致失败. Likewise, 你没必要不吃所有加工食品,每顿饭都只吃有机食品. 深思熟虑,坚持不懈——戏剧性的变化是好的,如果它们是为了更好,但是小的变化随着时间的推移会形成大的变化.

Starting Pregnancy Overweight or Obese

Technically, 肥胖和怀孕将你的怀孕归类为高风险,但这并不意味着你一定会有并发症.

找到合适的大发娱乐提供者来指导你完成这段旅程是非常重要的. 在你第一次预约时,和你的医生谈谈你的担忧.

He or she might recommend the following:

  • Early testing for gestational diabetes
  • A more detailed fetal ultrasound
  • Screening for obstructive sleep apnea

她或他还可以大发娱乐你制定一个合理的锻炼计划,让你保持在正轨上. 每天步行20-30分钟可以大发娱乐减少过度增重的风险, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, postpartum depression symptoms, and lengthy labor. If you snore at night, 这可能是睡眠呼吸暂停的征兆,睡眠研究可以非常有助于确定你是否有资格接受治疗.

没有放之四海而皆准的生孩子计划——你的怀孕是独一无二的. Find the right OB/GYN or midwife and they’ll help you achieve your goals.

Next Steps

担心你的体重可能会影响你的怀孕或怀孕能力? 今天就和大发娱乐的专家谈谈,了解更多关于您的选择. 拨打801-581-8425预约大发娱乐的专家.

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Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic

怀孕的前三个月可能是一段令人兴奋、困惑和不堪重负的经历. 大发娱乐的早孕护理团队大发娱乐提供全面,非判断早孕护理.

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Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program

犹他州流产后怀孕计划是专门为流产后的家庭大发娱乐提供支持的, newborn death, or severely complicated pregnancy.

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许多孕妇在产前和产后12个月都有盆底症状. 向上大发娱乐提供专家护理的妇女经历盆底问题在一个脆弱的时间.

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YoMingo®: Prenatal Education on the Go

U of U Health offers anytime, anywhere education for expectant mothers through YoMingo®, 在你怀孕的每个阶段都有你需要的所有工具和支持. Find information on prenatal care, labor & birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care.

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Perinatal Education

对你和你的家人来说,生育是一个令人兴奋的成长、变化和个人选择的时刻. 为了大发娱乐您做好准备,大发娱乐大发娱乐提供与您怀孕有关的各种主题的围产期教育.

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