

Feel a sudden warmth in your body when you’re otherwise healthy? 醒来时浑身是汗,但房间的温度却很冷? 欢迎来到更年期.

你可能对这个词很熟悉 更年期,但什么是围绝经期? As with all aspects of life, there is a natural progression in your reproductive cycle. As your estrogen and progesterone levels decrease and your ovaries slow the production of eggs, 围绝经期通常会持续数年.

对一些人来说,这可能需要几周的时间. 其他人可能会在十年的时间里出现症状. 把更年期看作是一段旅程,而不是目的地.


因为围绝经期是一个症状起起落落的过程, 当变化发生时,可能很难识别出来. 对大多数女性来说, 围绝经期从40多岁开始但有些人会更早出现症状. 这些症状平均持续4年. 美国女性绝经的平均年龄是51岁.


你甚至可以在不知情的情况下进入更年期. 因为你的卵巢分泌的雌激素和黄体酮较少, your period may become lighter—or heavier—than usual or briefer and more frequent. This change in your body’s cycle is often the first sign that you’ve entered peri更年期.

因为你还在排卵期, you can become pregnant during peri更年期 even if you miss your period for a month or more. 如果你不想怀孕的话, it’s important to use birth control until one full year after your last period. Talk to your doctor about the type of birth control that’s best for you.


并非所有女性都有更年期症状. 75%的女性都不同程度地出现这种情况, but you tend to hear about peri更年期 from the women who experience severe symptoms, 比如强烈的潮热, 情绪波动, 和抑郁.

大多数女性都有轻微或中度的问题, and there are factors such as obesity and stress that increase the likelihood of severe symptoms. With the help of your doctor, you can manage and even minimize peri更年期 symptoms.


It’s usually not necessary for your doctor to run tests to know you’ve reached peri更年期. But in some cases, other health conditions can cause similar symptoms. 如果你的医生对这些健康状况不确定, they can run blood tests that reveal increases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and decreases in estrogen.

促卵泡刺激素的变化表明绝经期是原因. There are also tests that show levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood. If these levels are low, an underactive thyroid may be the cause of your 更年期-like symptoms.


在临绝经期, 你的荷尔蒙波动很大, 是什么让大发娱乐很难确定症状的原因. Skipping your period or experiencing a lighter or shorter than usual menstrual flow are some of the first signs.

潮热, 盗汗, and 失眠 are the most common complaints among women experiencing peri更年期. 情绪波动、焦虑和抑郁也会增加. 当你的荷尔蒙水平下降时, the following perimenopausal symptoms may occur a few years before you reach 更年期:

  • 阴道干涩
  • 潮热
  • 发冷
  • 盗汗
  • 失眠
  • 喜怒无常
  • 体重增加和新陈代谢减慢
  • 稀疏的头发
  • 干燥的皮肤
  • 乳房不丰满

These symptoms can come and go and may be brought on by triggers, such as stress. 没有两个女人会以完全相同的方式经历更年期. Keeping a diary of your symptoms and possible triggers may help you identify ways you can modify your lifestyle or diet to help you minimize the discomfort.

如果你的症状令人尴尬, 不舒服, 或者扰乱你的日常生活, talk to your doctor about how you can best manage your peri更年期 symptoms.


更年期没有灵丹妙药, but your doctor can help manage many of your symptoms through prescribed treatments, 以及家庭疗法. You should always talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment, 包括非处方药和草药. 一些最常见的治疗方法包括:

  • 激素疗法:有助于减少潮热,防止骨质流失.
  • 阴道雌激素: Relieves 阴道干涩, discomfort during sex, and some urinary symptoms.
  • 低剂量的抗抑郁药:有助于减少潮热和情绪障碍.
  • 加巴喷丁有助于减少潮热.
  • 钙和维生素D补充剂或其他 骨质疏松症的治疗方法有助于增强骨骼.
  • 阴道润滑剂增加性爱时的舒适感.
  • 尿失禁的治疗方法: Various lifestyle changes and medical options for gaining bladder control.
  • 草药和膳食补充剂:可缓解潮热和其他更年期症状.
  • 锻炼: Stimulates heart and bone health and maintains healthy weight.
  • 饮食:大发娱乐控制健康的体重.



If you experience 潮热, there are a variety of easy remedies that can provide relief.

  • 试试草药,黑升麻.*
  • 多穿几层可以在闪光时脱掉的衣服.
  • 穿透气的衣服.
  • 调低恒温器或使用风扇.
  • 在手边准备冷饮,并在脸上泼冷水.
  • 避免咖啡因、酒精和烟草.
  • 定期锻炼.
  • 避免辛辣食物.
  • 保持健康的体重.
  • 练习放松和冥想.
  • 考虑针灸.

*Talk to your doctor before taking any over-the-counter herbal or vitamin supplement.


Hormonal swings are common during peri更年期 and can impact your ability to get a good night’s sleep. These sudden shifts may also contribute to increased irritability, anxiety, 和抑郁. 忙碌的女人, 尤其是那些兼顾家庭和工作的人, may ignore these symptoms until they impact their health and/or relationships.

如果你一直整夜都睡不着, 这可能是一个警钟,提醒你要好好照顾自己. 和你的医生谈谈治疗方案.


For some women, remaining on the birth control pill offsets perimenopausal symptoms. 对另一些人来说, 激素替代疗法 在更年期也能起到缓解作用. Replacing lower levels of estrogen and progestin may be the answer to relief perimenopausal symptoms, but there are many other factors that you and your doctor should consider first.

因为服用雌激素的风险会随着年龄的增长而增加, you and your doctor should consider lifestyle and genetic factors before determining whether hormone replacement is right for you. 如果你吸烟, 有血栓或中风史吗, 或者经历严重的偏头痛, 你应该避免激素替代疗法.


围绝经期 symptoms may come and go for years before your period stops altogether. You officially reach 更年期 12 months after your last menstrual period.


With all the changes happening in your body during peri更年期 it can be difficult to know what’s normal and what’s not. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor about any symptoms that cause discomfort or disruption in your daily life.

如果你只在晚上潮热, 体重突然减轻或增加, 或者腹痛, 肿胀, or tenderness let your doctor know as these may indicate a more serious condition.


更年期协会认证了大发娱乐所有的医生. The 更年期 Society is a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond through an understanding of 更年期 and healthy aging.

从U of U健康专家那里了解更多关于更年期的知识

卡米尔莫雷诺, a 更年期学会认证 Provider (MSCP) at U of U Health, talks with Good Things Utah about how 更年期 affects your heart health.
