

更年期通常被认为是生命中潮热的一个时期, 膀胱过动症以及其他令人尴尬的症状. 事实上, it’s during 围绝经期 (months or years before 更年期 occurs) when the main side effects happen. 你在最后一次月经后12个月就会进入更年期, 然后你就进入了绝经后的阶段.

The good news is: During post更年期, many of the symptoms you experienced during 围绝经期 更年期也会停止. 然而, there are other health issues to consider which may be caused by your body’s decrease in hormones.

准更年期, 更年期和绝经后是衰老的自然部分. Understanding the effects that post更年期 may have on your body can help you take steps to maintain good health no matter your age.

仙女,较少, & Post:什么时候会发生变化?

Your hormones can begin decreasing in your 30s and may continue well into your 40s and 50s. 对大多数女性来说,这被称为围绝经期或向更年期过渡.

美国女性绝经的平均年龄是51岁. 大多数女性在45岁到55岁之间达到这一里程碑.

一旦月经停止12个月, 你被认为进入了更年期,进入了绝经后的生活阶段.


绝经后期 begins once you’ve officially reached 更年期: 12 months after your last period.
美国女性绝经的平均年龄是51岁. 大多数女性在45岁到55岁之间达到这一里程碑.


Achieving post更年期 is a milestone that–like all of life–comes with its positive and negative effects. On one hand, you don’t have to worry about dealing with “that time of the month” again. No cramps, backache, headache, or mood swings that come with your menstrual cycle. 经前症候群已经过去了!

+, you no longer have to concern yourself about unplanned pregnancy (although protecting yourself from STDs is still a must.) Although not a given, even 潮热es fade once you’ve reached the postmenopausal stage.

另一方面,绝经后可能会带来新的健康问题. 有些是典型的老化过程的一部分. Others are unique to the decrease in your body’s natural production of estrogen. 和你的医生谈谈任何引起不适或疼痛的健康问题.


It’s important to pay attention to when 更年期 begins for one major reason: If you experience post-menopausal vaginal bleeding, it’s important to see your doctor as it may indicate a serious medical issue.


直到雌性激素消失,大发娱乐才会完全理解它的作用. This humble hormone is essential for maintaining health throughout a woman’s body – not just the reproductive system. 随着雌激素的减少,你身体的主要系统也会受到影响.

Here’s how estrogen relates to the rest of your body once you’re post更年期.


雌激素可能对动脉壁内层有积极作用, 大发娱乐调节血液流动. That’s why researchers believe a decline in estrogen after 更年期 may be a factor in the increase in 绝经后妇女的心脏病根据美国心脏协会的说法. 尽管绝经后患心脏病的风险会增加, taking estrogen has an associated cardiovascular benefit if you start it early or within 10 years of natural 更年期.


两者之间有直接的关系 绝经后缺乏雌激素和骨质流失. 经历过更年期的女性更容易患上乳腺癌 骨质疏松症这种情况会导致骨骼变得脆弱.


雌激素水平降低可能导致尿道内膜变薄. Also, the pelvic muscles around the urethra may get weaker due to aging or vaginal childbirth. 这可能会增加 bladder leakage (incontinence), urinary tract infections, and other urogynecology problems.

Estrogen helps maintain the natural lubrication in the walls of the vagina. Lowered estrogen during 更年期 causes the vaginal tissues to become thinner and more easily irritated during sex—or dry out. This can lead to an increase in urinary tract infections and genitourinary syndrome of 更年期, 也称为萎缩性阴道炎或阴道萎缩.


雌激素减少可能会降低你的代谢率, 是什么促使你的身体储存脂肪而不是燃烧脂肪. 但更年期本身并不是罪魁祸首. 年龄-related weight gain often occurs with a natural decrease in physical activity.

优点 & 更年期激素治疗(MHT)的缺点

因为更年期是由雌激素和黄体酮的减少引起的, 为什么不把它们替换掉,然后继续呢? Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is an option for many women who wish to combat the health risks that increase during their postmenopausal years. 但这种疗法可能有其自身的风险.

好处雌激素治疗(含或不含黄体酮)可缓解潮热, 盗汗, 阴道干燥,防止骨质流失.

风险: Estrogen-only therapy may increase your risk of uterine cancer (if without progesterone/progestin use), 中风, 心脏病, 深静脉血栓. Combine hormone therapy (estrogen with progesterone) could cause an increased risk of breast cancer, 中风, 心脏病, 深静脉血栓, 胆囊疾病.

Talk to your doctor about the right approach to managing your health changes after 更年期.


Talk to your doctor about these factors before you decide if HRT is right for you:

剂量 & 年龄

Most experts recommend taking the lowest dose HRT for the shortest duration. 年龄越大,风险越大. 治疗55岁患者的风险低于85岁患者.


选择适合自己的雌激素也很重要. 如果你正在经历阴道或更年期相关的泌尿系统问题, a topical estrogen applied directly to the vagina could be the best choice. 如果你正在经历各种各样的症状,或者不喜欢使用面霜, 你可以选择口服雌激素.


传统的激素疗法使用植物提取物, 人类制造激素或在怀孕马的尿液中发现的激素. 患者可以口服、贴片或外用生殖器部位.

Bioidentical hormones are plant derived or man-made hormones similar to the ones your body produces. Some bioidentical hormones are the same as those used in conventional products. Others are not FDA approved and are available only from compounding pharmacies. 不受监管的化合物, 球团矿, and unstudied ingredients are not necessarily safer and can lead to supraphysiologic hormone levels.



It’s never been more important to take a proactive role in your health care. Many women suffer unnecessarily from symptoms that can be managed with prescribed treatments or home remedies. Talk to your doctor before you begin taking any new supplement or treatment, 包括非处方药和草药.

Aside from hormone therapy some of the most common postmenopausal treatments include:

  • 激素疗法: 有助于减少潮热和阴道干燥,并可能防止骨质流失.
  • 阴道雌激素: Relieves vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, and some urinary symptoms.
  • 钙和维生素D补充剂或其他骨质疏松症治疗有助于增强骨骼.
  • 阴道润滑剂增加性爱时的舒适感.
  • 尿失禁的治疗方法: Various lifestyle changes and medical options for gaining bladder control.
  • 锻炼:促进心脏和骨骼健康,保持健康的体重.
  • 饮食:大发娱乐控制健康的体重.

绝经后的健康不仅仅是你的卵巢和子宫. 坚持每年体检,并安排好时间 定期预防筛检, such as mammogram, bone density screening, Pap smear, mole checks, and colonoscopy. 记住你的牙齿、牙龈和眼睛. 现在是关注自己幸福的最佳时机.


It’s important to talk to your doctor about any symptoms that cause discomfort or disruption in your daily life. 如果你只在晚上潮热, 体重突然减轻或增加, 或者腹痛, 肿胀, or tenderness let your doctor know as these may indicate a more serious condition.


更年期协会认证了大发娱乐所有的医生. The 更年期 Society is a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond through an understanding of 更年期 and healthy aging.

从U of U健康专家那里了解更多关于更年期的知识

卡米尔莫雷诺, 一个更年期协会认证大发娱乐提供者(MSCP)在U of U Health, 就更年期如何影响你的心脏健康与“好东西犹他”进行了对话.
