

Atrial fibrillation (also called AF or AFib) is the most common heart rhythm disorder in adults. 它是由多种因素引起的. AFib shows as abnormal electrical activity in the upper chambers (atria) of the heart. These extra signals make the atria beat very quickly and unevenly.

When the atria beat so fast and unevenly, it 可以 quiver instead of contract (tighten). If your atria don’t contract, they move less blood to the bottom part of your heart (ventricle).

Atrial fibrillation is a serious condition because your heart needs to move blood through its chambers to keep your body healthy. 如果你的心脏不能像正常情况下那样输送血液, 你会感到胸痛和疲劳等症状. AFib itself does not cause death (except in extreme circumstances).



  1. 阵发性心房颤动
  2. 持续性心房颤动


Some people have atrial fibrillation that comes and goes (paroxysmal). 他们可以在某一刻保持正常的节奏, 然后翻到心房静置几分钟, 小时, 甚至几天. 有些人甚至没有注意到这一点. Other people live with AFib 100 percent of the time, every day (persistent). 美国有超过200万人患有心房颤动.


你可能会在电视上或从你的临床医生那里听到这些术语. Valvular AF means that it is due to a very specific heart valve problem. Nonvalvular means that the AF is not due to a specific heart valve problem (but there 可以 be other, 无关的心脏瓣膜问题).


患有心房纤颤通常不会立即危及生命. But people with AFib are more likely to develop other related heart problems.

如果你被诊断患有心房纤颤,你 可以 have a higher chance of developing other dangerous conditions like 中风 or 心脏衰竭—this is why it is important to see an AFib clinician, 即使你没有症状.


如果你有心房颤动,心肌不能正常收缩. 当心肌收缩时, it forces open the heart valves and passes blood from the atrium to the ventricle. Blood that isn’t kept moving can pool and form clots in your atria.

These clots can move into other parts of your body and cause serious problems, such as a 中风. Importantly, patients with AFib have higher chances of having a stoke 即使他们的心脏不在心房颤动. 


With atrial fibrillation, heart function 可以 decrease, and can lead to symptoms of 心脏衰竭. 心力衰竭的症状也会随着时间的推移而恶化.

With you we will determine a customized treatment plan for your unique situation, 并随着时间的推移调整计划, 随着你的情况的变化以及大发娱乐治疗心房纤颤的方法的发展.



经历心脏疼痛, 呼吸困难, 或者房颤的其他症状是令人担忧的. 大发娱乐大发娱乐为您大发娱乐提供最好的专业治疗.

Our experts bring many years’ experience and cutting-edge research to give you the best care possible. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供高质量的协调护理. We constantly conduct research looking for better treatments—AFib research is a rapidly-changing field, 大发娱乐是来带路的!

We know that many patients need personalized treatment options to meet their unique needs. We are here to partner with you for life offering exceptional care. With you we will determine a customized treatment plan for your unique situation, 并随着时间的推移调整计划, 随着你的情况的变化以及大发娱乐治疗心房纤颤的方法的发展.





  • 心悸(跳动的心跳)
  • 头晕,
  • 虚弱或疲劳;
  • 胸痛或胸闷;
  • 呼吸短促,或
  • 劳累型限制.



In many cases, doctors don’t know what causes atrial fibrillation. But certain risk factors 可以 increase your chances of developing AFib. A risk factor is anything that increases your chances of developing a disease.




  • Address any conditions that are contributing to the cause of AFib (such as high blood pressure, 糖尿病, 睡眠呼吸暂停).
  • Improve or eliminate symptoms of AFib and improve quality of life.
  • Reduce the risk of other bad things happening due to the AFib (such as 中风, 心脏衰竭, 诸如此类).

We can accomplish these goals through various treatments for AFib. 他们可以:

  • 防止血栓形成,
  • 控制你的心率,然后
  • reduce the amount of time heart is in AFib, compared with normal heart rhythm.


You 可以 need to make some lifestyle changes to help manage your AFib. 过多的体重、咖啡因、烟草或酒精都会导致 心律失常. Your physician 可以 ask you to stop taking/using substances that 可以 cause AFib.


AFib medications can include blood-thinning medication and heart rate medications. 

稀释血液的药物—Blood thinning medications work by decreasing the chance of the blood forming clots, 尤其是那些在心脏里的.

所有的血液稀释剂都会增加出血的几率, but we choose this treatment method as a way to prevent your changes of 中风. Your clinician will decide if the benefit of reducing 中风 risk outweighs the risk of bleeding on a blood thinner.

然而,并不是所有的血液稀释剂都是一样的! 某些类型的血液稀释剂, 比如阿司匹林和某些用于心脏支架的药物, 不是预防心房纤颤相关中风的最佳方法吗. It is important to talk with your clinician about which one(s) are right for you, if any.

华法林(香豆素®)是一种常见的血液稀释药物. 但是,如果你在服用华法林,大发娱乐必须密切监视你. There are newer medications that don't require us to monitor you as closely. 这些可以包括(Savaysa).

基本心律药物—Medications can mainly control your heart rate, whether it is in AFib or normal rhythm. They do this by reducing the number of electrical signals transmitted from the top to the bottom of the heart. This 可以 improve symptoms and reduce the chances of developing 心脏衰竭. 


复律法 重置你的心脏,让它再次正常跳动. 它会定时给你的心脏带来电击. 这会导致所有心脏细胞同时收缩.

你的心脏的所有电活动都会短暂停止. When your heart starts beating again, your heart rhythm returns back to normal.

虽然这个过程可以纠正心律, 它不能防止心律失常再次发作. 对一些病人来说, AFib好几个月都不会复发, 对其他人来说, 在他们醒来之前,AFib就回来了. It's like hitting the reset button on a phone or computer - the will work normally for a period of time, 但它并不能消除病毒或潜在的问题.


在这个过程中, doctors direct a catheter (a thin tube) through your blood vessels towards your heart. They place the catheter close to the area that has the abnormal activity and then heat (or cool) the tip of the catheter. 这会破坏一小块异常的心脏组织.

一般来说, 导管消融 is the most effective treatment we have for AFib, but very rarely cures AFib. 额外的治疗, such as medications and treatment of risk factors (such as 睡眠呼吸暂停), 仍然非常重要.


如果你有一些症状或担心你的心脏, request an appointment with one of our AFib specialists by calling 801-585-7676.


To schedule an appointment, our schedulers typically request a referral letter. 然而,这并不总是必要的. We also screen to make sure you have had certain tests have been completed. 大发娱乐这样做是为了尽量减少你需要接受治疗的步骤.
