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What Causes Preterm Labor & Birth?

Possible causes of preterm birth include the following:

  • maternal or fetal stress
  • infection or inflammation
  • vaginal bleeding that comes from inside your uterus
  • 子宫过度膨胀(过度膨胀通常发生在生过双胞胎或三胞胎的女性身上,或者在分娩过程中羊水过多.)

There are other factors that seem to increase your chances of having a preemie. These include:

  • Short cervix 你的子宫颈(子宫的开口)会缩短,为分娩做准备. 如果超声检查或检查显示你的宫颈在怀孕早期缩短了, you have a higher chance of delivering a preemie.
  • Pregnancy spacing less than six months -你是在上次怀孕的六个月内怀孕的.
  • Multiple gestations -你怀了不止一个孩子(双胞胎或三胞胎).
  • Smoking and substance abuse -你吸烟、服用处方止痛药或街头毒品.
  • Chronic medical conditions -你有健康问题,如糖尿病或高血压(高血压).
  • Underweight, overweight, or poor nutrition 体重过低或超重会增加早产的几率.
  • Little or no prenatal care.
  • Problems with you uterus or cervix - If you’ve had surgery on your uterus or cervix, have uterine fibroids, 或有子宫异常(如双角子宫或隔子宫), you may have higher odds of delivering a preemie.

But, 请记住,虽然这些因素会增加你早产的几率, they are only part of the story. 大多数接生早产儿的妇女都没有这些问题.

Infections During Pregnancy


In some cases, 细菌或病毒会导致子宫感染, vagina, bladder, or some other part of your body. This can cause preterm birth.

但是当母亲对正常的阴道或宫颈细菌有异常反应或炎症反应时,就会发生早产. 即使是母亲牙龈和牙齿的感染或炎症(称为牙周病)也会导致早产. 

Unknown Causes of Preterm Birth

在许多情况下,医生不可能确定早产的确切原因. 但是,拥有一份女性过去分娩的完整历史可能会有所大发娱乐. 这应包括妇女在以前早产期间的时间和症状的信息和细节. 


Will My Baby Have Health Problems If It's Born Too Early?

Having a preemie can be very dangerous. 早产和早产是新生儿死亡的最常见原因, or your child dying when he/she is a baby. Preemies can have long-term health problems including:

  • blindness & deafness,
  • behavioral & developmental problems,
  • chronic lung disease,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • bleeding in the brain,
  • and problems with the intestines. 


How Does Preterm Labor Affect the Mother?

早产通常是由于感染或早剥引起的并发症. 早剥是一种医学状况,胎盘过早地从子宫壁脱离(或脱落).

Infections For the Mother

但这些并发症也会给母亲带来健康问题. 母亲可能会受到严重感染,需要通过静脉注射进行抗生素治疗. Some infections may become life threatening.

Many women need a C-section (Cesarean section) 在早产期间,因为早产儿经常在子宫内的臀部或躺在其他一些不寻常的位置. Preemies can also have a difficult time during labor. 生下早产儿的母亲可能需要剖腹产,这样她们的婴儿在分娩过程中会更舒适.

Signs & Symptoms of Preterm Labor

早产最常见的迹象包括有规律的子宫收缩. 一些女性将这些症状描述为腹部下部(腹部区域)严重的月经型痉挛。. 

有些女性的腹部会像束带一样收紧,这种收紧从下背部开始,一直延伸到下腹部的前部. Other symptoms include:

  • pressure in your vagina,
  • changes in vaginal discharge,
  • and vaginal bleeding or losing fluid.


但是当宫缩有规律发生(少于每10分钟一次)或者每小时宫缩超过6次时, you should see a doctor immediately.

When Should I Contact My Doctor About Contractions?

If you’ve given birth to a preemie before, 如果您出现以下任何症状,应立即致电您的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者:

  • regular uterine contractions,
  • pelvic pressure,
  • change in your vaginal discharge,
  • or vaginal bleeding or loss of fluid.

Find a Preterm Labor & Birth Specialist

Contact the Preterm Birth Prevention Clinic

For patients coming to University of Utah Health, 请致电母胎医学办公室801-581-8425. 你可以让你现在的医生转介到大发娱乐的诊所,大发娱乐会很高兴见到你. 

早产预防诊所位于犹他州的大发娱乐 Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Clinic.

Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Clinic

Rm 2185
University of Utah Hospital
50 Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84132

Intermountain Health Care


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