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What Is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a syndrome that’s unique to pregnancy. It’s not a disease but rather a collection of diseases, which is why it’s difficult to pinpoint why it happens. While the features of the syndrome are well known, 目前还不清楚为什么有些人会得这种病,而有些人不会.

它影响了多达10%的孕妇,通常在怀孕期间开始 second or third trimester. If you had a normal first pregnancy, 你下次怀孕时患先兆子痫的风险要低得多,但也不是完全不可能.

What Causes Preeclampsia?

研究人员有充分的理由相信胎盘在先兆子痫中起着重要作用. 胎盘为成长中的宝宝大发娱乐提供氧气和营养,并清除宝宝血液中的废物.

Doctors don’t know why, 但有时胎盘会释放某些蛋白质,导致血管发生变化, and cause your kidneys to leak proteins. 这会导致尿液中含有蛋白质,这是子痫前期的特征之一.

Preeclampsia With Twins

如果你怀了不止一个孩子,你有更大的机会患上先兆子痫,因为你的身体里有多个胎盘, 这就自动增加了至少一个胎盘出现故障的几率.

Other Risk Factors

Preeclampsia is linked to additional factors, 如果有以下情况,你患这种综合症的风险可能更大:

  • You had preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy.
  • You have a family history of preeclampsia.
  • 你有高血压,慢性肾脏疾病,或者两者都有.
  • You conceived using in vitro fertilization.
  • You have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
  • You’re obese.
  • You’re under 20.
  • You’re over 40. 

Preeclampsia can damage your kidneys, liver, and brain. It can also lead to preterm birth, stillbirth, organ failure, or stroke. 在严重的情况下,先兆子痫可以发展为子痫,包括癫痫发作. 

大约10%到20%患有严重子痫前期的女性会患上HELLP综合征, which requires emergency treatment.

在极少数情况下,先兆子痫对你和/或你的宝宝来说可能是致命的. 这就是为什么了解早期症状和体征是如此重要, and to talk with your doctor about your treatment options.

Signs of Preeclampsia

子痫前期最常见的症状之一是高血压, which can either rise slowly or spike without warning. 它可能发生在任何人身上,甚至是非常健康的女性,怀孕前从未有过血压问题.

The good news: Doctors are vigilant about monitoring blood pressure 在产前检查时,能迅速发现你体内水平的异常变化. (A normal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm. Anything above 140/90 mmHg is considered abnormal.)

你也可以在家里用家用血压计来记录你的血压. Learn more about how to monitor your blood pressure.

Other Preeclampsia Symptoms

However, it’s possible to have high blood pressure and not develop preeclampsia. 这是令人困惑的,所以一定要注意其他子痫前期症状,包括:

  • Sudden weight gain and swelling;
  • 视力改变,包括视力模糊、对光敏感或暂时丧失视力;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Shortness of breath.

这些症状在没有先兆子痫的孕妇中也很常见, 所以,当你觉得身体有问题的时候,倾听你的身体,告诉你的医生.

Don’t worry about asking too many questions. 大发娱乐你是他们的工作,即使你需要的只是内心的平静.

Preeclampsia Treatment


If your preeclampsia is not severe, 你的医生会在整个怀孕期间密切监测你的健康状况, your baby’s heart rate and growth, and how the placenta is functioning. They might also recommend home blood pressure monitoring.

如果你患有高血压,药物治疗无效, liver or kidney problems, 你可能有长期健康问题的风险,你的医生可能会建议分娩——即使是在34周之前. It’s preferable to deliver a preterm baby 他们可以治疗而不是危害你的生命(或生活质量).

In some cases, 如果您的肾脏或肝脏功能没有其他异常,并且您的血小板计数保持正常,您可以通过药物降低血压来控制子痫前期.

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Postpartum Preeclampsia

子痫前期症状通常在分娩后六周内消失. However, 有些女性会在产后出现子痫前期,所以如果你在产后出现子痫前期的症状, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Resources & Programs for Parents-to-Be

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic

怀孕的前三个月可能是一段令人兴奋、困惑和不堪重负的经历. 大发娱乐的早孕护理团队大发娱乐提供全面,非判断早孕护理.

Learn More About the Clinic

Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program

犹他州流产后怀孕计划是专门为流产后的家庭大发娱乐提供支持的, newborn death, or severely complicated pregnancy.

Learn More About the Program


许多孕妇在产前和产后12个月都有盆底症状. 向上大发娱乐提供专家护理的妇女经历盆底问题在一个脆弱的时间.

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YoMingo®: Prenatal Education on the Go

U of U Health offers anytime, anywhere education for expectant mothers through YoMingo®, 在你怀孕的每个阶段都有你需要的所有工具和支持. Find information on prenatal care, labor & birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care.

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Perinatal Education

对你和你的家人来说,生育是一个令人兴奋的成长、变化和个人选择的时刻. 为了大发娱乐您做好准备,大发娱乐大发娱乐提供与您怀孕有关的各种主题的围产期教育.

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