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Your teenager seems to have lost interest in their hobbies and is sleeping a lot—is it depression or just the hormones? Many of the symptoms of depression seem to be how teenagers normally act. 那么你怎么知道你的孩子是否真的需要大发娱乐呢? Dr. 内森·贝克斯菲尔德有答案.


面试官: How do you know if your teenager is just being a mopey teenager or might have depression issues? 大发娱乐将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Dr. Nathan Bexfield is at the South Jordan Health Center part of 犹他大学医疗保健, and today we're going to give you some tips as a parent how you can figure out if your child might be suffering from depression or maybe if they're just a mopey teenager, and it can be difficult to tell the two things apart sometimes. 给大发娱乐一些启发吧.

Dr. 本科福德刚: 所以,是的, I think every parent of a teenager wonders how motivated they are to actually get out and do things, 但抑郁症是在一个完全不同的层面上. 对于抑郁症, 显然,他们需要抑郁, and being depressed is like not having really much joy in life. A good example of a kid that may have depression is that maybe this kid enjoyed playing soccer at one point, and that was their passion and they loved it and they wanted to do it a lot, but then suddenly they're not even really wanting to play soccer anymore, 你在想, “嗯, 你为什么不出去和你的朋友们玩呢?"

面试官: 是啊,以前能找到快乐的事现在找不到快乐了.

Dr. 本科福德刚: 正确的,准确. 完全. Another symptom that can be a little more concerning with kids who might have depression is changes in eating habits. They might eat more than they used to or not eat as much as they used to. 同时,观察他们的睡眠习惯. 所以有些孩子睡过头了. 许多青少年会睡过头.

面试官: 有罪.

Dr. 本科福德刚: 但这些孩子每天睡18个小时, 大量的睡眠, 或者无法入睡或保持睡眠状态. 这些也是你们需要关注的. And teenagers, another thing I find that a lot of them do is they get more irritable. 现在我知道你在说什么了. Irritable teenagers, you're probably like, “嗯, every teenager is irritable."

I'm talking like out of proportion irritable like you can't really even have a conversation with them without them just blowing up or getting really frustrated and angry, 或者经常哭泣, 极度的悲伤. 这些是我在这个年龄段的孩子身上经常看到的. 我想一些极端的例子, there are kids that want to hurt themselves or have thought about suicide, 这是非常可悲的, especially to think of a teenage boy or a teenage girl who wants to hurt themselves.

面试官: Yeah, I've heard if it gets to that point, that you should seek help immediately.

Dr. 本科福德刚: 肯定.

面试官: If there's any indication that suicide's on the table you should go seek help, 因为它有两种作用. 它要么得到孩子的大发娱乐,要么得到父母的大发娱乐, 或者是虚张声势, 如果这是虚张声势, 因为有时候事情就是这样. 但是父母还能做些什么呢? If they recognize what they think to be symptoms of depression, should they seek out help 正确的 away or is there something parents can do?

Dr. 本科福德刚: 肯定. If you are worried about depression in your child you should go see your physician, whether that be your pediatrician or your family practice doctor, 但还是去看医生吧, because we can do some simple screening tests and just have a simple conversation with you and the child, 看看事情进展得怎么样了. And if your child meets the criteria for someone who has depression, 那么大发娱乐当然可以做很多事情. The big things that we do that I find works the best is starting an appropriate medication and also getting them into some sort of therapy to allow them to talk things out and have coping mechanisms in place. Sometimes that therapy works even better when the whole family is involved.

面试官: Medications, do you find that some parents are little hesitant?

Dr. 本科福德刚: 我做, because there's a little bit of stigma that comes with taking medications for depression or any mental health issue. But the actual truth is there are a lot of people that have gotten a lot of benefit from these medications. So I think this is something that actually helps these kids, and I've seen it in my experience.

面试官: How often is depression caused by actually a chemical imbalance in the brain versus just what's going on in their life?

Dr. 本科福德刚: 嗯,我认为这是两者的结合. 当然,基因在其中起了一定的作用. 如果有抑郁症的家族史, then certainly that child may be a little more prone to depression or anxiety or whatever mental health disorders run in the family. 此外,环境也是一个因素. 你的家庭生活怎么样? 你的学校生活怎么样? 别人对你怎么样? How are you being perceived as being treated or how are you perceiving others as treating you? 诸如此类的事情. So I think it's more than just a chemical imbalance versus environment. 我认为所有这些因素都在起作用, 一旦它压倒了他们, 然后他们觉得自己快要淹死了,起不来了.

面试官: You've told me that depression is something that you see more and more often, 你感觉, 在你练习的时候, 看起来你对某件事很有激情. So what I'm getting at 正确的 now is what would be that one message you'd have to a parent if they think that their child is depressed? 即使他们不确定, 因为这是一个可怕的步骤, 正确的, 说我的孩子可能得了抑郁症?

Dr. 本科福德刚: That one message I would get out is if you're worried at all, come see your doctor. 大发娱乐来谈谈. 最好的情况是, 大发娱乐可以告诉你, “嘿, 你知道吗?, your child is not really depressed and maybe this is something you guys need to talk about, 更好地交流,类似这样的事情." Worst-case scenario is if you don't address it something really bad could happen and your child could end up being harmed.

面试官: So even if you have an inkling, no action is worse than action?

Dr. 本科福德刚: 这是我的建议.

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