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Jan 29, 2021

高危妊娠需要一个专家小组来解决孩子和母亲的需求, during, and after delivery. Dr. Stephen Fenton 是初级儿童医院犹他州胎儿中心的创始人和主任. Dr. 芬顿谈到了该中心治疗的一些高风险疾病, how it helps coordinate all aspects of care, and what to expect as a patient.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: We're with Dr. Stephen Fenton. 他是初级儿童医院犹他州胎儿中心的创始人和主任. 这是为那些由于孩子先天异常而有高危妊娠的妇女准备的. There is kind of a way things used to be done. 现在犹他州胎儿中心有了一种方法, Primary Children's Hospital, which is a much better way. Dr. 芬顿,首先,你是创始人兼主管. 你走进来说:“我想开办这个中心."Why did you say that?

Dr. Fenton: 我不希望任何人认为或相信之前发生的事情没有尽其所能,因为它确实做到了. All of these conditions were being cared for before. 但事实是,这是一种以医生为中心的方法. 所以这通常需要多次就诊因为每个医生的诊所都是独立的诊所. 你可以想象那个妈妈独自承担这个负担是多么的沮丧和艰难.

Interviewer: It was a very stressful time.

Dr. Fenton: Very stressful time.

Interviewer: Just to coordinate her care kind of.

Dr. Fenton: 当然,在这段时间里,她一直在担心她未出生的孩子. 所以大发娱乐所做的就是把它从以医生为中心的护理转变为我所说的以病人为中心的多学科治疗方法. So we, over the last five years, 是否组建了一个多学科的专家团队来照顾孩子和异常. In addition, we've added adult specialists, 所以母胎医学或高危产科护理母亲, all in one place. 大发娱乐的儿童医院没有成人医护人员. 现在大发娱乐有这些成年MFM大发娱乐提供者来大发娱乐照顾这些母亲. We also added a coordinator. 大发娱乐增加了护士协调员来大发娱乐这位母亲度过这一切, and ancillary staff, such as a social worker, who can also help with the non-clinical aspects. We are now all in the same place. Instead of being in our individual silos, if you will, 大发娱乐都在一起,大发娱乐可以一起看图像, where we can talk about it, 大发娱乐可以制定一个护理计划,不仅是为妈妈,直到孩子出生, but also for the child after delivery.

Interviewer: What is the objective of the center?

Dr. Fenton: 大发娱乐要确保母亲和婴儿首先得到正确的诊断. 大发娱乐父母了解病情并开始了解治疗方法要容易得多, if any, will entail before the child is born. Now that's one aspect. 另一方面,有些孩子在出生前就需要干预. And in order to do that, it's very specialized. 它需要一个团队,需要能够带母亲进行正确的诊断,从诊断到干预, and then from intervention to delivery safely. And you can't do that without proper infrastructure, and the Utah Fetal Center is that infrastructure.

Interviewer: 你能不能给我举几个例子说明你需要的一些常见的条件这些条件需要这个多学科团队?

Dr. Fenton: 首先想到的是先天性膈疝, myelomeningocele, that's another word for spinal bifida, CPAM或先天性肺气道畸形也称为先天性肺病变, atresias, intestinal atresias, omphalocele, gastroschisis. These are all things that are surgical too. 大发娱乐经常看到不需要手术的孩子. So some of the genetic disorders like trisomy 21. We also see kids that have neurologic issues, 所以大脑畸形不一定需要干预, 但需要多个医疗机构的协调治疗.

Interviewer: 当他们来找你时,最初的咨询包括什么? What does that look like?

Dr. Fenton: In the morning, 他们通常会接受超声波检查,并咨询犹他州胎儿中心的母胎医学医生. Dependent on what the original diagnosis is, 通常大发娱乐已经收到了来自转诊医生的外部影像并进行了检查, they might also undergo a fetal MRI, and that fetal MRI will give us even more detail, 特别是当大发娱乐将它与当天的超声波进行比较时. 它由在中心工作的胎儿放射科医生阅读. And then usually we give them a little bit of a break. They go to lunch, etc., 然后在下午或下午早些时候回来, and there, they will see the specialist, 最终照顾他们孩子的专科医生.

Interviewer: 如果一个病人没有被转诊他们相信犹他胎儿中心是他们想去的地方, are they able to call?

Dr. Fenton: Absolutely. They can go to our website, and self-refer. 大发娱乐真的很想大发娱乐这些父母度过这段非常非常困难的时期. 大发娱乐知道有很多供应商正在做这方面的工作, and we certainly appreciate all that they are doing. 大发娱乐并不是想要承担所有照顾这些妈妈的责任,因为大发娱乐知道她们的很多照顾可以在离家很近的地方完成, but we do feel like it's very, 尽早开始协调护理是非常有益的,这样大发娱乐就可以大发娱乐父母了解发生了什么, obtain expectations on the treatment plan, 以及了解所涉及的治疗方法,然后尽早启动该计划, 从长远来看,大发娱乐知道在许多供应商的大发娱乐下这样做, 不仅在犹他大学和初级儿童医院, but across the state will allow us to do that.