How to Ensure Your Newborn Is Getting Enough to Eat

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How to Ensure Your Newborn Is Getting Enough to Eat


As a new parent, you probably have a lot of questions about your baby. 你吃得太多了吗? 你是不是吃得太少了? 体重增加多少是正常的? The answers might be as simple as checking your newborn’s diaper. Dr. 克里斯汀•施特塞尔, family medicine physician at University of Utah Health, shares four simple things to watch for to make sure your baby is getting enough to eat.

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Dr. 施特塞尔: Hi, 我的名字是克尔斯滕·斯托瑟, and I am a family medicine physician at University of Utah Health Care. One of the common questions I get is, "How do you know if your newborn is getting enough to eat?" So there are a few ways to be able to assess if your baby is getting enough to eat. One is just does your baby seem relaxed and happy right after a feed? Does your baby seem content and going back to sleep or relaxing? 虽然婴儿很易怒, 哭个不停, 哭泣并不总是意味着他们饿了.

So there are a few other things that you can look at as well. 一个是,他们生产了多少湿尿布? 在他们出生后的第一天, 他们应该在24小时内做一个湿尿布, and then you add one diaper a day for the next few days. So, by two days, they should have two wet diapers, by three days three wet diapers. And from the fourth day on, they should really be making about four to six wet diapers per day.

In addition to the number of wet diapers, you can also look and see what does the urine look like? If the color of the urine is pretty pale, that means that they're getting enough liquid. 但如果是深黄色, 或者它是粉橙色的, that can mean that they are dehydrated and that they need to get more fluid in.

In addition to the number of wet diapers, looking at the stools, it can be really helpful. These also change in their character and number within the first few days, first few weeks. 最初是在婴儿出生后, 大便会是黑色和柏油的, 那是胎便, and then it turns to a greenish and then a brownish color. 然后, 母乳喂养的婴儿, 然后大便变成黄色, 就是大发娱乐所说的芥末黄色和, 种, a seedy consistency or like a cottage seed consistency. 在第一个星期到第一个月, they usually make about two to three stools a day 母乳喂养的婴儿. And after one to two months, there can be a large variation. 他们一天可以做一个凳子, or they might go a few days without having a stool, 这也是正常的.

然后 the other thing to look at, to make sure that your baby is being fed well, is weight gain. 虽然这在家里很难做到, when you bring your baby in for clinic visits at three to four days after they're born, 两周后, 还有他们两个月的访问, we will check their weight and then look at that on a graph to see how they are comparing to other babies of the same age, 他们的体重是否在正常范围内. 很多时候, 父母担心他们的孩子吃得不好, but when we can show that they're gaining weight normally and appropriately, 这表明他们得到了足够的营养.

Sometimes we will have parents come in more frequently if we do have a concern about the weight, 这样大发娱乐几天或一周后就可以检查了, just to make sure that a baby is gaining appropriately. 正常情况下,它们一天应该会增重一盎司, or about four to seven ounces per week within those first few weeks, 头几个月. Although most babies, they will lose some weight in their first few days. 这是正常的. By two weeks, certainly of age, they should be back to their birth weight.

Again, the things to look at are how many wet diapers are they making? 他们的大便是什么样子的? 他们的体重增加了吗? 如果你有什么顾虑, 当然是打电话到诊所, 或者提前预约. 大发娱乐可以随时检查你的宝宝, and be more than happy to figure out what's going on, 以及大发娱乐如何大发娱乐提供大发娱乐.

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