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What is the biggest health threat to women worldwide? The answer will likely surprise you. 好消息是: there is a way to completely eradicate it. Dr. Kirtly Jones tells you what it is and what we all can do about it.


Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: So what's the biggest health threat to women? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology here at University of Utah Health Care and this is the scope or the problem, 关于Scope.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones: What's the biggest health threat to women? 这是亲密伴侣暴力. 1 in 3 women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. And the consequences last throughout her life. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship, used by one partner to gain or maintain power over an intimate partner. 在美国所有被谋杀的女性中.S. about 1/3 were killed by a domestic partner and the rate of non-lethal abuse is much higher than that. Thirty-two percent of all homicides in Utah were by a domestic partner. This is 1/3 of all the homicides in Utah are domestic violence homicides, about 1 in 5 American women will be raped in their lifetime.
好消息是, the violence against women's act was first signed in 1994 and was reenacted has year in the U.S. 在过去的十年里, the rate of sexual violence against women and girls has declined, but it's remained stable for the past five years. Changes in the laws and growing awareness in the culture have had a positive impact, 仍然, too many women experience rape and too many families are poisoned by domestic violence. Women who've experienced domestic violence are more likely to have pelvic pain, 头疼, 背部疼痛, seek medical care for physical problems that are aside from the domestic violence are closely tied to that. And children that have been exposed to family violence suffer post traumatic stress disorder, 尿床, 噩梦, illnesses and girls are more likely to experience abuse as adults and boys are likely to be abusers. 那么一个人该怎么做呢? 去年情人节那天, 2月14日, 十亿男人和女人聚集在一起, 跳舞, talked or demonstrated against violence against women and girls. 你在家可以做什么, and in your community and in your world to decrease violence against women and girls. 如果你看到了,就说出来. It can feel shameful to be a victim but it won't stop unless we say it. Report domestic violence and rape if you can. Call your local rape crisis hotline or domestic violence hotline if you feel you cannot call the police. When the arguments have escalated to the point that you don't feel safe, 那么你需要大发娱乐, you need to speak out and speak out with professionals who can help you. The Utah Department of Health has a 24/7 365 hotline for domestic violence, 800-897-5465 and a hotline for rape and sexual assault, 888-421-1100.
Raise your children in a way that tells them that physical, verbal and emotional violence in the home is forbidden and tell them why. Make the prevention of domestic violence and rape in your community and issue. In your church and in your schools, speak out. We all say, wow, if my partner ever hit me I'd walk out the door. Well people who endure and stay in relationships in which there is partner violence are more likely to be poor, 有色人种女性, 未受良好教育的, and with children and have no resources. 但是很多女人留下来了, of course believe and are told by their partner, after the violent act is finished that they will never do that again. However people who do it once often do it again. Support organizations that provide advocacy and shelter for abused women and their children, 比如基督教女青年会. Find your local women's domestic violence shelter and donate or volunteer or distribute their educational material. 最近, 在情人节, 即将到来的, it is about hearts and chocolates and roses, but take a minute and consider the world of 1 billion abused women and girls, and the 1 billion women who will gather, 世界各地, to try to change the culture of violence against women. Mention it at home or to your friends, 谷歌10亿上升, 看看你附近有没有什么活动. And rise up for a better world for you, for your family and for your children. 这是博士. Kirtly Jones and thank you for joining us 关于Scope.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.