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Kids and Nightmares

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Kids and Nightmares


Nightmares are very common in kids. 在电影或电视中看到可怕和不熟悉的画面会引发噩梦. Dr. 本杰明•陈谈到了如何大发娱乐孩子应对夜间发生的事情.


主持人: 万圣节到了. They're showing more and more scary movies on TV right now. It could cause kids to have 噩梦 or could it?

播音员: 来自犹他大学内科医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to 范围.

主持人: Dr. 本杰明•陈, child psychiatry at the University of Utah, thanks for taking time to talk about scary things, 噩梦.

Dr. 陈: Thank you, it's good to be here.

主持人: So, watching scary movies, will that give kids 噩梦?

Dr. 陈: 它可以. It's not definite, but it definitely can. So, 所有的孩子, they're afraid of the unknown, be it afraid of going to a new store, a disruption in the routine, 诸如此类. 然后你把它乘以一千倍如果他们看到的是图像, either in movies or in TV shows that are scary and unfamiliar, 是的, that can definitely cause 噩梦.

主持人: So, let's talk about 噩梦 in general. Are they fairly common with kids?

Dr. 陈: 在儿童中很常见. So, all of us dreamed, kind of take a step back. 大发娱乐所有人都会经历所谓的快速眼动(REM). 大发娱乐都不记得自己做过什么梦,但大发娱乐每个人每天晚上都会做梦. Most of our dreaming happens in the second half of the night, so in the early morning hours, 和孩子, because they sleep longer, they actually have more dreams and more 噩梦.
Sometimes kids have 噩梦 about things that aren't scary. 他们会做噩梦,梦到去商店,也许他们最喜欢的纸杯蛋糕那天没有打折,他们会做噩梦.

主持人: 确定.

Dr. 陈: 孩子们会因为各种各样的事情而心烦意乱,尤其是恐怖电影,恐怖画面可能是其中的一部分.

主持人: 如果你的孩子做了噩梦,你会让他们和你一起爬上床吗? I mean, how should you handle that?

Dr. 陈: So, how you handle 噩梦? So, first of all, validate your kid's concerns. Listen to what the nightmare was. Let them kind of explain how they feel. 永远不要嘘孩子. Never cut them off and say, "Oh, I don't want to hear about." So, first of all let them explain how they feel.

主持人: 即使现在是凌晨两点.m. 在早晨?

Dr. 陈: 即使是2a.m. 在早晨.

主持人: 好吧.

Dr. 陈: If it goes on and on and on, you can cut them off then. Give the child a chance to kind of say what happened.

主持人: 好吧.

Dr. 陈: 第二件事是, to answer your question, 我强烈建议你不要让他们和你一起爬床. It's better for the adult to stay in the child's room, okay? 你绝对不想让噩梦触发你的行为,让你有一天很难回头, 好吧?
So, parents often ask me, "My child is scared. It's 2:00 在早晨. Should I have them come into my bedroom and sleep with me?“我总是说,你最好把床垫或充气床垫之类的东西放在孩子的房间里,和他们一起睡. 但要确保这不是每天晚上都发生因为你不想强化这种行为, oh, 孩子说他们做了噩梦,然后突然间我想花更多的时间和爸爸妈妈在一起.

主持人: 是的,当然.

Dr. 陈: It's like crying wolf in a way.

主持人: So, how do you as a parent make that call, 这场噩梦值得我那天晚上走进房间和他们一起睡觉, 这个不是?

Dr. 陈: It really depends on their stress. 对我来说,和孩子上床,是一种紧急反应. 在那一刻之前,你需要教授好的应对技巧,对吧?
那么,有什么好的技巧来应对做噩梦的孩子呢? 听听他们的噩梦是什么,然后你作为家长创造另一个结局,好吗? 让大发娱乐假设你的孩子做了一个噩梦,梦见壁橱里有一个可怕的怪物,他们会告诉你关于怪物的事情,然后你就会鼓励他们, “好吧, how could the story end in a happy way?" Then you have the child recreate an ending that's happy. So, 在危机中, 此时此刻, 你让孩子重新集中精力,谈论一个幸福的结局.
Other ways you can go about doing this. Read lots of stories to your children. 我总是建议父母应该经常给孩子读书. Talk about stories where the kids are brave in the story, where they overcome some obstacle, 诸如此类. So, 在那一刻,就像孩子在凌晨两点心烦意乱的时候,你甚至都没来得及说, “好吧, I'm spending the night in your room,你可以说, “嗯, how did little Timmy or little Susie in the story, how did they overcome their monster?" And then have the child say that out loud.
It takes a lot of work. 这并不容易. 这些都是很难在半夜教授的应对技巧. So, 在你和你的孩子睡在一起并大发娱乐提供额外的安全毯之前, there's a multitude of things you can do.

主持人: 好了,还有什么你想让父母知道的关于噩梦和孩子的事吗?

Dr. 陈: 很常见的. As kids get older they'll become less frequent. 噩梦和大发娱乐在精神病学中所说的睡眠恐惧是不同的. 睡眠恐惧症是指孩子在半夜尖叫, 是伤心欲绝, 不能被唤醒, and then it abruptly stops. Next morning, they don't remember anything about it.

主持人: 哇.

Dr. 陈: Nightmares, the kids can be woken up. They're usually the ones that wake themselves up. 他们对故事的细节记得很清楚,我想说,他们并没有失去控制.
Sleep terrors are incredibly rare, but is a diagnosable condition found in the DSM, 是精神病学的诊断和统计手册吗. 但, if your child is having sleep terrors, 我建议你和你的儿科医生或心理学家谈谈,因为这是你需要关注的事情. So, garden variety 噩梦, not a concern. 睡眠恐惧症,特别是如果它们持续存在,这更值得关注.

主持人: 除了睡眠恐惧,噩梦会不会是由其他疾病引起的? Is there anything else other than that?

Dr. 陈: Well, it's funny you mention Halloween. What I've noticed during this time of year is, because it's getting cooler, 天气越来越冷了, 孩子们晚上更难以入睡,可能是因为爸爸妈妈还没有打开暖气. 所以你说如果有其他因素在起作用,我总是会关注环境.

主持人: 好的,有趣的.

Dr. 陈: So, 我认为这是谈论睡眠卫生的一个很好的起点, which I'm very interested in. So, what sleep hygiene means is how do you as a child, 作为一个青少年, 甚至是一个成年人, how do you have a good night of sleep?有一些非常重要的基本原则.
Number one: you only use the bed for sleeping or sex. 但 if it's a kid, the kid should not be having sex. So, only use the bed for sleeping. That means no eating in bed, no doing homework in bed. There should not be a television in the child's room. 睡觉前一小时不应该锻炼或吃东西.
每个人每天都应该大致在同一时间上床睡觉,在同一时间起床. The room should be cool. 应该是暗的. So, these things are pretty common, but then when you start digging deeper, 你开始喜欢, "Oh, I send my child to bed, 但他们会打开电视,看电视到凌晨2点,然后就睡着了." My first question is why is there a TV in the room?

主持人: 是的.

Dr. 陈: Another bedrock principle is 所有的孩子 love structure. 所有 children love routine. They'll never tell you that, but that's what they crave. So, going back, they need a firm and consistent bedtime.

主持人: 好吧.

Dr. 陈: 睡觉前通常会有一些仪式:刷牙, maybe a bedtime story, change into your pajamas, 诸如此类. 我建议每天晚上按照同样的顺序做同样的事情,因为孩子们需要知道会发生什么. Once you do that, bedtimes go much, much easier.

主持人: 好吧,听起来如果孩子做噩梦,也可能是睡眠卫生问题. 这将是另一件要研究的事情,它实际上可以解决这个问题.

Dr. 陈: 正确的. 是的.

主持人: 也能让你晚上睡得更好,因为你不用让孩子凌晨两点来上班.

Dr. 陈: So, let me just say this. Even though it's Halloween, 噩梦 are completely normal. You might see an uptick in 噩梦 during this time period, 但即使你的孩子继续经历这些现象,这也是完全正常的.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.