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Pediatric Hematology & Cancer Services

University of Utah Health is next to Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH). U of U Health, Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI)和PCH共同为癌症患儿大发娱乐提供最好的护理.

PCH治疗了西部山区90%以上的癌症儿童. Because we work together, 你可以放心,你的孩子有机会获得每个机构大发娱乐提供的最好的资源.

犹他州的平均年龄是全国最小的,有大量的儿童和青少年. 因此,HCI使儿童和青少年/青年(AYA)癌症成为优先事项. HCI致力于改善大发娱乐治疗儿童癌症的方法. We look for ways to prevent it or end it.

Conditions & Diseases We Treat  

  • Leukemia
  • Bleeding and clotting disorders
    • Hemophilia, thrombophilia, thrombosis
  • Blood disorders
  • Brain tumors,
  • Histiocytosis
  • 儿童恶性肿瘤疾病(儿童癌症)
  • Sarcomas
  • Solid tumors
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Why Choose Us?

大发娱乐训练有素的儿科血液学和癌症专家评估和治疗许多血液疾病和癌症. 大发娱乐作为一个多学科团队一起工作,以确定儿童的最佳治疗方法, adolescents, and young adults.

大发娱乐的儿科癌症专家参加国际 Children's Oncology Group (COG),并为儿童癌症患者大发娱乐提供全面的护理. Our team includes nurse practitioners, child life specialists, social workers, nutritionists, care coordinators, integrative medicine practitioners, and pharmacists.


Most Common Pediatric Cancers

These types of cancers are common in children:

  • Leukemia is a blood cancer. 它是最常见的儿童癌症,占儿童癌症病例的33%. 白血病有两种主要类型:急性和慢性. 急性癌症扩散迅速,需要及时治疗. 慢性白血病发展较慢,但更难治疗.
  • Brain and spinal cord tumors make up 25 percent of childhood cancer cases.
  • Neuroblastomas are tumors that start in nerve cells. 它们可以在身体的任何地方形成,但通常首先出现在胃部. 它们约占儿童癌症的5%.
  • Wilms tumors form in the kidneys. 它们约占儿童癌症的5%.
  • Lymphoma forms in immune system cells. 它往往首先出现在喉咙、腋窝或腹股沟. Lymphomas come in two types: Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is more common in kids. It can show up anywhere in the body.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of soft-tissue sarcoma. 它形成于身体的结缔组织,如肌肉和脂肪. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS), which usually forms before age six, shows up in the head, neck, groin, or bladder. 肺泡横纹肌肉瘤(ARMS)影响所有年龄段的儿童. It shows up in the arms, legs, or trunk.
  • Bone sarcomas make up about three percent of childhood cancers. There are two main types. 骨原性肉瘤更为常见,尤因肉瘤多见于青少年. 肿瘤通常出现在手臂或腿骨的末端.
  • Retinoblastoma is a type of eye cancer. 它约占儿童癌症的1%. 这种癌症通常发生在幼儿身上,通常在两岁左右. 当医生发现孩子的眼睛有些异常时,他们通常会发现癌症, like a dark spot on the pupil.

Pediatric Cancer Symptoms



  • Leukemia
    • Easy bruising and bleeding
    • Shortness of breath
    • Petechiae (dark red spots on the skin)
    • Weakness, looking tired or pale
    • Pain below the ribs
  • Brain and spinal cord tumors
    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Crossed eyes
    • Blurred vision
    • Balance problems
    • Seizures
  • Neuroblastomas
    • A lump or swelling
    • Weight loss
    • Trouble breathing or swallowing
    • Problems going to the bathroom
  • Wilms tumors
    • Swollen belly
    • Lump
    • Fever
    • Nausea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Constipation
    • Blood in the urine
  • Lymphoma
    • Painless, swollen lymph nodes
    • Fever with no known reason
    • Weight loss
    • Night sweats
    • Coughing and trouble breathing
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
    • Doesn't go away
    • Bulging or crossing of the eyes
    • Headache
    • Difficulty urinating or having bowel movements
    • Blood in the urine
    • Blood from the nose, throat, vagina or rectum
  • Bone sarcomas
    • Bone pain
    • Swelling around the tumor site
  •  Retinoblastoma
    • Eyes appear to point in different directions
    • Pain or redness in the eye
    • Infection around the eye
    • Eyeball looks larger than normal
    • Iris and pupil look cloudy

Pediatric Cancer Treatment


 儿童在初级儿童医院接受大部分癌症治疗. 亨茨曼癌症研究所为儿童癌症大发娱乐提供放射治疗. Clinic visits, surgeries, 和其他程序可以在这些地点或其他U of U Health诊所进行.

Learn more about pediatric cancer treatment options from the National Cancer Institute.

Pediatric Cancer Specialists


在儿科专科护理方面,山间儿童健康中心隶属于 University of Utah Health. U of U Health physicians see patients at Primary Children's Hospital on campus,以及盐湖城山谷的多个地点.

大发娱乐提供医疗保健、教育和研究是一项共同的使命. 它通过临床护理、研究和教育项目的合作而得以实现.

初级儿童医院是犹他大学卫生系统的主要儿科设施, 大发娱乐提供60多个医疗和外科专业的护理,如外科, oncology, cardiology, orthopedics, and others. 初级儿童医院的大多数大发娱乐提供者都是大发娱乐的教员.

This partnership delivers care to advance pediatric medicine 同时教育下一代的卫生保健专业人员.

Related Programs & Services

Cancer Questions

The G. 亨斯迈癌症研究所的米切尔·莫里斯癌症学习中心(CLC)是您免费获取癌症信息的来源. 服务包括与癌症信息专家一对一交谈, a free cancer library, and community engagement.

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Family Cancer Assessment Clinic

家庭癌症评估诊所(FCAC)大发娱乐家庭了解他们是否有导致更高癌症风险的遗传综合征. 这包括Li Fraumeni综合征、Lynch综合征、副神经节瘤等.

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Fertility Preservation for Children

癌症治疗的一个重要副作用是治疗后可能导致不孕. 在癌症诊断后尽早与医生讨论癌症和不孕症是最有大发娱乐的, 因为最好是在化疗或其他癌症治疗之前进行生育治疗.

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HIAYA Program

亨斯迈-山间青少年和青年癌症护理(HIAYA)项目服务于15至39岁之间被诊断患有癌症的患者. 该项目通过癌症治疗和生存指导美国青少年协会,以确保满足这个年龄组的独特需求.

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Pediatric and Rare Tumor Clinic


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Pediatric Palliative Care

这个项目是为了大发娱乐孩子和家庭处理感情, symptoms, 在一个可能令人恐惧的时期,人们的担忧, confusing and overwhelming. 大发娱乐的团队与您合作,根据您孩子的医疗状况制定护理目标.

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