

A fractured bone is the same thing as a broken bone.


任何人在任何年龄都可能骨折. The most common causes of a bone fracture include:

  • 下降,
  • 车祸、
  • 运动损伤,
  • repetitive activities such as running, which can lead to 应力性骨折s.


Age and gender influence a person’s risk of fracturing a bone. For example, with women, menopause can cause estrogen loss, which may weaken bones.

Other risk factors that increase your risk of a bone fracture include:

  • 吸烟;
  • excessive alcohol use (more than three drinks a day);
  • 其他医疗条件,如 骨质疏松症类风湿关节炎; 炎症性肠病, 糖尿病, celiac disease; and
  • medications that weaken the immune system, such as chemotherapy drugs and chronic steroids.


Providers use the following terms to describe different types of fractures.

  • An 开放骨折 是伤口裂开的时候吗.
  • 关闭骨折 是当伤口没有破开皮肤的时候.
  • 完成骨折 就是骨头断成两半的时候.
  • 部分断裂 is when the bone is not broken all the way through.
  • 移位性骨折 is when the broken ends of the bone change in alignment.
  • 与一个 应力性骨折, the bone has a crack in it due to repetitive forces. 这在x光上很难看到.
  • 生长板骨折 are injuries to small areas of tissue at the end of long bones in children. Growth 盘子 change over time and determine the length and shape of the bone when a child is fully grown. They are not as hard as bones so they get injured more easily. Growth 盘子 may not heal correctly without treatment, which will lead to abnormally shaped bones or shorter bones as an adult.



The symptoms of a bone fracture vary depending on which bone is broken and how serious the break is. 骨折的常见症状包括:

  • 剧烈的疼痛;
  • a noticeable deformity, such as a bump, bend, or twist in the bone;
  • 肿胀或擦伤;
  • numbness and tingling; and
  • 肢体使用或负重有问题.


A bone bruise (sometimes called a contusion) is an injury to the surface of the bone. It is less serious than a fracture but can be painful and uncomfortable. 骨头擦伤了, 血液和液体在受伤部位积聚起来, 是什么导致你的皮肤变色和肿胀.


If you think you may have a bone fracture, seek medical care right away. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can:



Doctors diagnose a bone fracture by doing a physical exam and taking x射线. 有时更高级的测试,如 核磁共振成像 may be needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan.



The goal of treatment is to help the bone heal in its natural, aligned position. 非手术方法包括:

  • a cast, which surrounds the broken bone with hard protection;
  • a splint, which protects just one side of the bone; and 
  • a boot, which adds stability and protection while you walk.

更复杂的断裂可能需要手术. Your orthopedic surgeon may need to stabilize the broken bone with various forms of internal fixation such as screws, 盘子, 棒, 和更多的.

物理治疗可以大发娱乐恢复过程. 它主要关注的是

  • 建筑的力量,
  • 提高活动范围,以及
  • 提高流动性.

脚伤 & 踝关节治疗

Broken bones in the foot and ankle require expert care, especially if the injury is severe. University of Utah Health has four fellowship-trained orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons who specialize in lower extremity injuries, 包括复杂的重建手术. They offer next-day appointments and provide personalized, well-coordinated treatment plans designed to get people back to the activities they enjoy as soon as possible.


大发娱乐, 大发娱乐经验丰富的整形外科医生, 医师助理, 物理治疗师, certified athletic trainers work together to provide well-coordinated care for people with fractured bones. We see patients at locations throughout the region and can get patients in quickly, 通常在受伤后的一天内.

You can make an appointment with one of our orthopedic specialists by calling 801-587-7109. Before making an appointment with a U of U Health specialist, check your insurance plan to see if you need a referral.


We provide expert care and orthopedic evaluations for adults, 青少年, children who are experiencing problems of the bones and joints. Our orthopedic specialists diagnose and treat everything from simple sprains and strains to complex conditions.



每个人都有身体. 为了照顾好它,你需要保持活跃. But no matter how careful you are, at some point or another, you may injure yourself. 你应该马上去看医生吗? Or is it better to take it easy and wait for the injury to heal on its own?



如果你做运动, 是40多岁还是50多岁, or have family and friends who are physically active, 你可能听说过“骨科”这个词.” But do you know what orthopedic doctors really do? And how do you know if you could benefit from seeing one?


所有诊所 & 项目

University Orthopaedic 服务 offers multiple specialized clinics to treat the athletes in your life. 游泳者, 舞者, 高尔夫球手, 跑步者, 更重要的是,大发娱乐的目标是让你留在游戏中, 在球场上, or leading your best life no matter what sport you choose.

查看所有诊所 & 项目

了解更多关于骨折的知识 & 骨折