

You might be reading this because you have one of the following conditions:

虽然不能治愈任何疾病, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can help control your symptoms for better physical and mental wellbeing.


You may be a candidate for DBS if your meet the following criteria:

  • You have troubling "off" periods when your 帕金森症 medication wears off before the next dose can be taken.
  • Your medications aren’t effectively managing your symptoms for 特发性震颤, 癫痫, 或强迫症.
  • 你身体很健康.

If you’re considering DBS, it’s also important to have realistic expectations. The surgery requires frequent monitoring and doctor visits (at least initially). 病人 should not expect a cure, but rather an improvement in symptoms or symptom control. 其他关键因素包括良好的身体健康, 坚实的支撑体系, 对治疗结果的现实期望.

"I'm only 66 years old, and I have a husband, four kids, and 13 grandchildren to enjoy. 我已经重获新生,我只是不能告诉你. There's no way to thank my health care team for all that they've done for me."
苏珊Veater 深部脑刺激患者




  • 一种类似心脏起搏器的装置,叫做脉冲发生器
  • Thin wires called leads or electrodes that enter the brain
  • Wires called “lead extenders” that connect the electrodes in the brain to the pulse generator in the chest

Your surgeon will implant all three components inside your body. They will also use MRI technology to identify exactly which part or parts of your brain are causing your symptoms. 这就是电极被瞄准的地方. You will most likely receive general anesthesia, which means you’ll be asleep throughout DBS surgery. 

在过去, patients stayed awake during the procedure (which is possible because the brain has no pain receptors), but many were understandably too nervous to explain how the electrodes affected their speech and body movement. 现在医生可以依靠成像技术, 而不是病人的反馈, to understand what’s happening as they operate and to make sure the electrodes are in the right place.


As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications:

  • Infection (that can occur in four percent of patients implanted with a neuromodulation device)
  • 出血
  • 中风 由DBS电极引起的

You could also experience temporary pain and swelling in the implantation site, 癫痫发作, 头疼, 混乱和难以集中注意力. The neurotransmitter could also break or malfunction, which would require another surgical operation.


帕金森症, your surgeon will make a dime-sized incision in your skull to implant the leads directly into a deep part of your brain. 如果这让你紧张的话, know that this is a highly established procedure that has only improved since the Food and Drug Administration first approved its treatment of movement disorders in 1997. 


特发性震颤在美国,DBS的作用类似于帕金森症的DBS. 然而, your doctor might also recommend focused ultrasound—that is, using ultrasound sound waves to affect the same part of the brain but with no cuts or incisions.


癫痫, doctors at the University of Utah target a different part of the brain than for 帕金森症 or 特发性震颤, 叫做丘脑前核. This is effective at reducing the frequency of 癫痫发作s and improving quality of life.


After surgery, most patients stay overnight at the hospital and return home the next day. 然后, you’ll come back four to six weeks later to have your device programmed to deliver the right amount of electrical stimulation for you and your symptoms.

当一切运转正常时, the pulse generator sends electrical impulses to the electrodes. These impulses interfere with and block the electrical signals that cause your symptoms.

DBS手术并不能治愈运动障碍, 癫痫, 或强迫症, 但它能让你重获新生.


If you would like to find out more information about DBS surgery, you will need to get a referral. You do this by seeing your primary care doctor or neurologist and requesting to see a neurosurgeon specializing in DBS.



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