

尽管它的名字, 幻痛是真实存在的, painful sensation that some amputee patients feel in a part of their body that no longer exists. 切除:身体被切除的部分 截肢 (通过手术切除肢体)被称为幻肢. 甚至可能感觉幻肢仍然附着在你的身体上. 这种情况影响了多达80%的截肢患者. 然而, it can be reliably treated so that most people experience a significant decrease in pain within two years of their 截肢 surgery.


你可能会在你的 截肢 甚至在几周或几个月之后. 缺失肢体的疼痛可能是持续的或不可预测的. It is often worse at night when your thoughts turn inward as outside distractions subside. 您可能会感到以下疼痛症状:

  • 锋利的
  • 悸动的
  • 如坐针毡
  • 燃烧
  • 类似抽筋

The pain often feels as if it is located in the part that is the greatest distance from your healthy body. For example, after a leg 截肢, the foot (which is no longer there) may feel phantom pain.

Older male with a bandaged amputated leg sits in a wheelchair talking to a U of U Health rehab educator


研究ers are continually investigating additional causes and treatments for this unique phenomenon. 然而, they have discovered that phantom limb pain could be caused by a miscommunication between your brain, 脊髓, 神经在截肢后仍会继续.


  • 压力
  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 截肢前肢体疼痛

病人 who experience pain in the limb before 截肢 often report phantom limb pain afterward in a similar way. Your doctor will make every effort to decrease your pain before surgery to lessen the chance of discomfort afterward. Additional pain management in the weeks after surgery can dramatically decrease your pain.



减轻幻肢痛是可能的. Many patients find significant relief through the following treatments and therapies:

  • 非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDS)
  • 各种类型的神经痛药物:
    • 抗抑郁药 
    • 抗癫痫药物 
    • 降压药
  • 脱敏 (一种减少截肢后过敏的家庭疗法)
  • 行为策略
  • 引用到a 康复心理学家
  • 注射
  • 外科手术,比如 目标肌肉再神经支配

对一些病人来说,戴口罩 假体 (假肢)更频繁地大发娱乐减轻疼痛程度. 在手部和手臂截肢时尤其如此.


Our physicians are committed to diagnosing the source of the pain to best address your symptoms. 有一系列的药物可供选择. 你的医生只会在需要时使用阿片类药物,并适当减少剂量. Neuropathic medications and injections can also address specific and wider 神经 pain.


对一些病人来说, standard relaxation techniques help reduce their pain including gentle massage and listening to music. Our clinicians and therapists may also recommend other at-home approaches including:


You can use a device called a mirror box with separate openings for your healthy body part and residual (remaining) limb. 大发娱乐根据具体情况为病人大发娱乐提供镜子盒. 然而, you may order one online or ask your insurance company if they will cover the cost.


  1. Place a mirror in the middle of your body to reflect your healthy leg or arm (or situate it to reflect whichever healthy body part you want to look at).
  2. When you look in the mirror, it should now appear that you have two healthy arms or legs.
  3. 每天练习用身体健康的部分做运动. 你应该能够看到你完整的身体部分和反射.



If you experience hypersensitivity after 截肢, your doctor may recommend this technique.

  1. Rub material with a smooth texture over your 皮肤。 on the residual (remaining) limb. 开始时要轻一点,多做几个方向.
  2. 每天做几次,每次几分钟. 你可能会感到疼痛、发痒或不舒服.
  3. 当你停止运动时,这种感觉应该停止或减少.
  4. After a while, you can increase the pressure and change the texture of the material. 灯芯绒或羊毛之类的面料会让你的皮肤感觉更粗糙.
  5. 随着时间的推移, 你皮肤的敏感性可能会降低, 这有助于减少你的疼痛,使它更容易使用假肢吗.


幻痛最终会随着时间的推移而消失. Many people find their pain has decreased by about 75 percent or more within two years after 截肢 surgery. 如果确实复发了,和你的医生谈谈. There may be an underlying problem—such as a neuroma (神经 overgrowth)—triggering the sensation.

残肢疼痛vs. 幻肢疼痛

截肢后, some patients may feel pain in the remaining or residual limb. It is even possible for patients to feel residual limb pain (a non-bothersome sensation originating in the space where the limb used to be) and phantom pain at the same time.


  • 感染
  • 血液供应问题
  • 牵涉性痛
  • 肌肉拉伤
  • 神经瘤或其他神经问题
  • 骨折
  • 皮肤问题



  • 非处方止痛药和一些更强的药物
  • 抗抑郁药 (off-label use for increasing neurotransmitters that reduce the perception of pain)
  • 物理和职业治疗
  • 注射
  • 电刺激


偶尔, a residual limb (the remaining portion of the limb after 截肢) has a shape, 皮肤。, 神经, 或者只有通过手术才能解决的骨骼问题. In these cases, our surgeons can reconstruct the residual limb for optimal success with a 假体. 

We use the most advanced techniques to restore strength, function, control, and avoid pain. 其中一种方法是 定向肌肉神经再生(TMR)手术 where we split the ends of the 神经s and place them into new muscles where they will grow into new muscle. This surgical procedure will prevent pain and allow robotic limbs to read signals from the muscles.

大发娱乐正在研究的另一项先进的新兴技术是骨整合. This is when a surgeon implants a titanium rod in your healthy bone to attach a 假体. 结果是一个更轻、更结实、更自然的假肢. 目前, University of Utah and the Veteran’s Administration are studying these implanted devices in the United States in hopes of gaining FDA (Food Drug Administration) approval and broader application.



日期 & Time


欲了解更多信息,请联系斯宾塞·汤普森 斯宾塞.thompson@hsc.犹他州.edu 确定即将召开会议的日期和时间.


For questions or information on how to meet with our specialists or participate in our inpatient programs at the 尼尔森康复医院,请致电大发娱乐的转介热线 801-646-8000. Our referral specialist will work with your current provider to obtain necessary medical records and verify your insurance benefits for coverage.

对于门诊医生的临床问题,请致电 801-581-2267. 欲知有关 糖屋治疗服务,叫 801-581-2221.

