

不同的激光治疗可以让你的皮肤看起来更年轻更光滑, 去除斑点和疤痕, 去除顽固, 不需要的毛发生长. A cosmetic specialist can help you decide which laser treatment is best for you.

紫翠玉 & ND: YAG激光

紫翠玉 & ND:Yag lasers treat larger blood vessels on the face (like the large blood vessels on the nose) and birthmarks, 像葡萄酒渍. 这些激光也可以治疗你腿上的某些类型的蜘蛛静脉.  

用亚历山大变石和ND:Yag激光治疗不需要的静脉非常快. 激光使用的强光会损伤你的血管内膜. As your body heals, the vein fills with scar tissue so there is no more blood flow. 这会导致静脉消失.

Your doctor will put a topical numbing on your skin to make sure you don’t feel any pain. You may have bruising and darkened blood vessels around the area where the laser was used for one to two weeks after.

紫翠玉 & ND:Yag激光器也可用于激光脱毛.

条件 & 治疗


CO2 Laser resurfacing is considered the gold standard for total skin rejuvenation for a more youthful appearance. Specialists use this laser to treat signs of skin aging caused by sun exposure and other environmental factors. 市面上很少有其他激光能让你的皱纹减少5年.


  • 细纹和皱纹,
  • 皮肤的质地和色调,
  • 色素沉着,
  • 导致皮肤紧绷.


Lumenis活跃 & 深度特效激光器

The Lumenis活跃 and Deep Fx use a fractionated ablative delivery system that allows for faster recovery than the traditional Co2 lasers with fewer side effects. 许多激光通过伤害(或“消融”)你的新皮肤层来工作, 更健康的蛋蛋可以长出来. Fractionated means that little holes are created in the skin while protecting some areas of normal skin. 当正常的皮肤区域被遗弃时, 与传统的二氧化碳装置相比,皮肤愈合得更快.

ActiveFX is a more superficial treatment that is excellent for skin pigmentation and fine lines. DeepFX is a deeper treatment than can treat deeper wrinkles, scars, and provide skin tightening.

Co2激光治疗 & 复苏

Most patients need one to three treatments depending on the areas treated and indications for treatments (acne scars need more treatment sessions, 例如). 患者需要局部和局部麻醉以及口服镇静. 治疗大约需要两到三个小时. 在这个过程中,病人保持清醒,非常舒适.

We recommend one week of recovery and downtime due so your new fresh skin can have the time it needs to heal. After treatment, we monitor our post-CO2 laser patients very closely to ensure the best results. 

条件 & 治疗


The 双激光 is a unique and versatile laser that can treat many different types of skin problems. The laser creates “microthermal zones” or pockets of heat that form in the deeper layers of your skin. These heat zones help your skin produce collagen for up to 6 months after each procedure, 让你的皮肤看起来更年轻, 平滑, 和坚定.


  • The 1927 nm setting can be used effectively to treat pigment problems like freckles, 黑皮病/黄褐斑, 老年斑, 还有晒伤.
  • The 1550 nm setting also helps tighten aging skin and addresses a wide variety of changes in your skin’s feel and texture, 包括皱纹, 毛孔粗大, 以及痤疮或受伤留下的疤痕.


The Fraxel laser usually has less downtime than more aggressive resurfacing lasers. This is because your skin remodels—or grows—best when there’s less direct injury to the skin. The Fraxel laser is a great option for people who want complete skin rejuvenation but don’t want a longer recovery time.


在大多数情况下, patients need one to three treatments to get the best results in improving their skin’s pigment and tone. 病人 who want to tighten their skin or improve texture and reduce wrinkles will need three to six treatments.


手术前你需要局部麻醉. We do offer an oral sedation for patients who are worried about pain and want the most comfortable experience.

Many patients have a sunburn-like sensation for several hours after the procedure. 有些病人可能会出现红肿, 轻微的肿胀, 粗糙的皮肤, 对面部皮肤进行5到7天的古铜色处理, 在颈部和胸部停留7到14天.

治疗 & 服务


The PicoSure® laser is optimal for treating pigmentary conditions and overall skin revitalization. 它使用的技术与 纹身去除. PicoSure可以治疗这些疾病:

  • 色素的条件
  • 顽固的颜料
  • 胎记
  • 痤疮疤痕
  • 黄褐斑
  • 预防衰老

类似于Fraxel激光, PicoSure is a milder application with minimal thermal damage and fewer treatments. The Focus Lens Array Setting (FLA) can be applied to a specific target area for the most effective pigment removal.


当你肤色较深或疼痛阈值较低时,选择FLA. (Fraxel激光治疗需要麻醉.)

时间轴 & 结果

在大多数情况下,你需要一到三次治疗才能达到最佳效果. 结果通常会在治疗后一到三周出现.


治疗 & 服务


Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a skin treatment that smooths lines and wrinkles, 去除面部毛发, 并消除一些色素问题,如太阳黑子.

Intense pulsed light is similar to laser treatments but uses a lower intensity and wider range of wavelengths. The light energy delivers a pulse of light that breaks up the darker colored cells.


  • 褐色斑点(如雀斑);
  • 太阳黑子;
  • 蜘蛛静脉;
  • 痤疮;
  • blood vessels and redness of the face (rosacea); and
  • other pigmented lesions (marks or sports) on your face, neck, chest, hands, and arms.


IPL是一种非烧蚀技术, which means that it affects the lower layers of your skin rather than the top layers. 因为它不像其他方法那样粗糙, a patient can have the technique done with no downtime—or long breaks—between treatment, 哪些是激光治疗需要的.

患者在治疗过程中通常需要局部麻醉. 平均而言,患者需要两到四次治疗才能达到最佳效果.

Most patients have a sunburn-like feeling for a few hours after the procedure. The brown spots then darken for one to two weeks, then lighten and eventually lightly peel off. This treatment is also extremely popular because of there is no downtime and it is very effective.

治疗 & 服务


The Vbeam Laser is a highly effective laser for treating many types of vascular lesions on your face and body. 血管病变是看起来不正常的标记或生长, 尤其是和你其他部位的皮肤相比.


  • 面部血管(毛细血管);
  • 酒渣鼻引起的面部发红;
  • 樱桃血管瘤,和
  • 脉管性胎记,如葡萄酒渍.


病人 getting a treatment from a VBeam laser usually don’t need topical anesthetic.

在大多数情况下, a patient will need two to four treatments for the best results. VBeam激光非常受欢迎,因为没有停机时间, 它产生了很好的效果, 手术过程中和手术后的不适感都很小.


Common side effects after this treatment include swelling and redness that last from one to four days. 有些病人可能会有一到两周的瘀伤. 瘀伤最常发生在医生治疗像葡萄酒渍这样的病变时.

条件 & 治疗

爱你的皮肤:增强自信的皮肤护理 & 幸福

当艾尔·扎加斯考虑接受皮肤护理治疗时, 她认为这只会简化她的自我护理程序, 但它远不止于此. University of Utah Health offers many aesthetic and skin care treatments and procedures that can improve the way your skin looks while keeping it healthy, 尤其是随着年龄的增长. 见见美学家大师海莉·理查兹,读一读艾尔的故事. 




