
医生说我有心脏杂音. 这意味着什么??

If your doctor told you that you have a heart murmur, you’re probably wondering what that means. 我的健康有危险吗? 我会一直有心脏杂音吗? 我需要手术吗??

好消息是,许多心脏杂音并不危险. In fact, many heart murmurs go away on their own over a few months or years.

Whether you need treatment for your heart murmur will depend on what type of murmur you have. 即使你需要治疗,你的 心脏医生(心脏病专家) will work with you to decide what treatment is best and least invasive.



A heart murmur is when your heart makes an unusual 声音 as blood is flowing through your heart.

You’re probably used to your doctor listening to your heartbeat through a stethoscope. 如果你有心脏杂音,你的医生会听到一种声音 与正常不同 当你的血液流经你的心房时.

Another way to think about a murmur is the uncommon 声音 that blood makes while it flows through your heart.

  • 没有杂音的心脏会发出“lub dub”的声音.
  • 有杂音的心会发出杂音 飕飕声 or 嗖的一 声音.

许多心脏杂音不会危及生命,也不需要治疗. But other heart murmurs do need treatment because they’re a sign of an underlying problem with your heart.

It’s important to remember that if you’ve been diagnosed with a heart murmur, 这并不意味着你会一直拥有它. 心脏杂音可以自己消失.



  • 10%的成年人会有心脏杂音.
  • 40 - 45%的儿童有心脏杂音.

大多数有杂音的孩子都有 先天性 心脏杂音,意味着他们生来就有.


Whether a heart murmur is dangerous depends on what’s causing it in the first place.

  • 心 murmurs that are caused by normal life activities (like exercising, 怀孕, (或发烧)通常并不危险,也不需要治疗. (这些被称为 天真的心在喃喃自语)
  • 心 murmurs that are caused by diseases or structural problems in your heart may need treatment. (这些被称为 心脏杂音异常)


心 murmurs that are caused by infections, birth defects, or diseases can be dangerous. 问题可能包括:


心内膜炎 是心脏瓣膜和内膜感染吗. 这种感染会严重损害你的心脏瓣膜.


隔膜缺陷 心脏里面有洞吗. 有间隔缺损的人通常生来就有. Whether or not septal defects are dangerous depends on where the holes are and how big they are.


尽管许多有心脏瓣膜问题的人生来就有, many adults don’t find out they have valve problems until they’re years older.

阀的问题 包括:

  • 主动脉瓣狭窄: 这是你的主动脉瓣变厚变窄的时候. This narrowing makes it harder for your heart to pump blood out to your body. 它可能会导致呼吸急促和疲劳等症状.
  • 二尖瓣狭窄: 这时你的二尖瓣变窄了, making it harder for blood to flow from your left atrium to your left ventricle. Mitral stenosis is often caused by rheumatic heart disease (from past strep throat infections). 二尖瓣狭窄可引起呼吸短促和疲劳.
  • 主动脉根部动脉瘤: this is when the first part of your aorta dilates (becomes wider than it should). 主动脉根部动脉瘤s can cause your aortic valve to work incorrectly, 什么会引起心脏杂音. Many conditions, including genetic disorders like Marfan Syndrome, can cause aortic root aneurysms. 专攻治疗的心脏病专家和外科医生 主动脉瓣疾病 能否评估和治疗这种类型的动脉瘤.
  • 二尖瓣返流 happens when blood leaks backward through your mitral valve when your 心脏的跳动s. 如果不及时治疗,二尖瓣反流会导致心力衰竭.
  • 主动脉瓣闭锁不全: this happens when blood leaks backward through your aortic valve in between heartbeats. 如果不及时治疗,它还会导致心力衰竭.
  • 三尖瓣返流: this happens when blood leaks backward through the valve on the right side of your heart. 如果不治疗的话, 三尖瓣反流可引起腹部或腿部肿胀, 肝衰竭, 还有心力衰竭.

心脏病专家和 心胸外科医生 医生是专门治疗心脏瓣膜疾病的吗. These doctors can recognize and diagnose valve diseases that may be missed by other doctors.


心 murmurs that aren’t dangerous or life-threatening are sometimes called “天真的心在喃喃自语.” One of the reasons these types of heart murmurs happen is because blood flows more quickly through your heart than normal.


  • 你怀孕了;
  • 你发烧了;
  • 你正在锻炼或做其他体育活动;
  • you’re anemic (your blood cells don’t carry enough oxygen to your tissues and muscles);
  • you have hyperthyroidism (you have too much thyroid hormone); or
  • 你是一个青少年,你的身体正在快速发育.


If you have an innocent heart murmur, you probably won’t have any symptoms. But if you have these symptoms, you may have an abnormal heart murmur:

  • 呼吸急促(气促),
  • 胸痛、
  • 晕倒,
  • 头晕,
  • 咳个不停,
  • 嘴唇和指尖周围都是蓝色的皮肤,
  • a lot of sweating—even when you're not exercising strenuously or exerting yourself.

These symptoms may be a sign of an underlying heart disease that hasn’t been diagnosed.


并非所有的心脏杂音都需要手术治疗. 而不是, your treatment will depend on what’s causing your heart murmur in the first place.

If you have an innocent heart murmur, you probably won’t need any treatment.

一些不正常的心脏杂音可以通过药物治疗来控制. Some common medications used to treat heart murmurs include the following:

  • 他汀类药物-降低胆固醇的药物
  • 受体阻滞剂或ACE抑制剂-降低血压的药物
  • 阿司匹林或华法林—these medications are anti-coagulants because they help prevent blood clots from forming

如果你的心脏出了问题,比如,如果你有 你心里有个洞 or one of your heart valves needs to be replaced—then you may need surgery.



心脏杂音的手术通常包括 阀门修理和更换. These surgeries treat the underlying valve problems in your heart that are causing the murmur. 如果你需要手术, your cardiothoracic surgeon will try to make sure your surgery is as minimally invasive as possible.


经导管主动脉瓣置换术 (also known as TAVR or TAVI) is also a good treatment option for patients who can't have surgery, or for patients who want a less invasive option than open heart surgery.


The MitraClip is a tiny device (about the size of a dime) that treats mitral regurgitation. 二尖瓣夹夹住你的二尖瓣,使它能更充分地关闭. 关闭二尖瓣可以阻止血液倒流.

得到一个 MitraClip 不需要手术,因为医生不需要开胸. 而不是, your doctor will insert your MitraClip through a thin tube (catheter) that runs through your leg and into your heart.


许多心脏杂音是无辜的,不需要治疗. But it’s important to see a cardiologist or cardiothoracic surgeon if:

  • 你的初级保健医生告诉你,你有心脏杂音, 你有异常心脏杂音的症状, or
  • you have the symptoms described above and you think you may have an abnormal heart murmur.

犹他大学健康中心, a heart team that includes a cardiologist and a cardiothoracic surgeon will evaluate your heart murmur. 你的心脏小组会检查你的心脏,排除任何严重的, 可能需要治疗的未确诊的心脏病.

呼叫 801-585-7676 to schedule an appointment with a cardiovascular specialist
