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What Is a Well-Woman Exam?

女性健康检查,也被称为女性健康检查,是一种常规检查 women’s health 大发娱乐提供者. 这是一个检查你的整体健康状况和讨论你的健康风险的机会, especially risks related to being a woman.

你的医生会为你大发娱乐提供个性化的指导,告诉你如何改善你的健康. They also perform a pelvic exam, breast exam, 子宫颈抹片检查 and may recommend vaccinations or preventive screenings.

Is a Well-Woman Exam the Same as an Annual Physical?

健康女性的检查和年度体检是相似的,但它们并不相同. Your annual physical is usually with a primary care 大发娱乐提供者. 这次访问包括您的整体健康检查和健康改善咨询, just like a well-woman exam. But many primary care 大发娱乐提供者s don’t include pelvic exams, breast exams, or 子宫颈抹片检查s in annual physicals.

What to Expect at a Women’s Wellness Exam


  • Blood pressure

  • Breathing (respiration) rate

  • 脉冲

  • Temperature

他们还会记录你的身高和体重,并询问你是否有什么特别的问题想和你的医生讨论. When your 大发娱乐提供者 comes into the room, 他们会查看你的健康图表,并询问与你的健康有关的问题, health risks, 和年龄:

  • Do you smoke or drink alcohol? 多长时间?

  • Do you take birth control? Would you like to discuss birth control options?

  • Have you experienced any menopausal symptoms? Do these symptoms bother you?

  • What are your diet and exercise habits?

  • When was your last menstrual period? Do you have regular menstrual cycles?

  • When was your last 子宫颈抹片检查, colonoscopy, or mammogram?

  • 你是否需要接受性传播感染(STIs)检查??

Based on your answers, 您的医生将与您讨论您的健康风险和他们的建议. They may order blood work, recommend preventive screenings, or advise getting certain vaccines, based on your individual needs.

Well-Woman Exam vs. 子宫颈抹片检查

A 子宫颈抹片检查, the test that screens for signs of cervical cancer, may be part of your well-woman exam. But it’s not the only reason to get a well-woman exam. 健康女性访问也是检查和讨论您的整体健康和风险的机会.

大多数妇女需要每3-5年做一次子宫颈抹片检查,这取决于她们的健康风险. 你的医生会让你知道你是否需要做子宫颈抹片检查.

What Happens During a Pelvic and Breast Exam?

你的医生也会在你的健康女性访问期间大发娱乐提供乳房和骨盆检查. 你的医生会向你解释两次考试的好处,并告诉你每次考试的内容.

Breast Exam

你会平躺在床上,医生会用手指垫摸摸你的乳房组织和淋巴结. They’ll check for symptoms that warrant a closer look:

  • Hard lumps

  • Skin changes

  • Nipple discharge and/or nipple retraction 


Pelvic Exam

你躺在检查台上,把你的脚放在桌子末端的脚踏板上. 你的医生会戴上手套,用手指触摸你的阴道内部直到你的子宫颈. 他们会用另一只手轻轻地按压你的腹部,这样他们就能感觉到你的内部生殖器官, including your ovaries and uterus. If you have a 子宫颈抹片检查, 你的医生会把一种叫做窥镜的仪器插入你的阴道, then take a small cell sample from your cervix.

如果你在过去的医疗访问中有不舒服或沮丧的经历,要诚实地告诉你的医生. 您的大发娱乐提供者可能会大发娱乐提供其他方法,使您的体验更舒适, 比如大发娱乐你做呼吸练习,或者告诉你如何自己插入窥镜.

How to Prepare for a Women’s Health Exam

Women's Wellness Exam Checklist

花点时间考虑一下你有什么问题要问你的医生,你希望从这次拜访中得到什么. 提前记下你的健康目标和问题会让你的预约更成功.

你的医生办公室可能会要求你在预约前在线填写你的家庭和个人健康史. Or you may fill it out at your appointment. 在参观当天,请务必携带带照片的身份证件和保险卡.

编制家庭健康史是准备女性健康检查的最重要的方法之一. 了解你的家族史可以大发娱乐医生更准确地估计你患某些疾病的风险. You’ll want to find out the following:

  • 如果你的亲戚有慢性疾病,如心脏病或糖尿病

  • If you have relatives who have had cancer

  • The age when those relatives received the diagnosis


  • Any surgeries or major injuries

  • Past and current diagnoses

  • 你经常服用的药物,包括非处方药和补充剂

  • Date of your last blood tests and the results

Who Needs a Well-Woman Exam?

从21岁开始,所有女性都应该每年进行一次健康检查. It’s important to get regular 子宫颈抹片检查s to screen for cervical cancer, even if you’re not sexually active. Women who have had hysterectomies 仍然需要健康女性检查来讨论健康风险和预防性筛查.

Well Women’s Exam Cost

Most insurance plans cover one routine checkup per year. Your well-woman exam counts as this routine checkup. 然而, 如果你已经和初级保健大发娱乐提供者做过年度体检, you may need to pay a copay for a well-woman exam. 大发娱乐的团队可以大发娱乐您在预约前了解您的保险范围和费用.

Why Choose University of Utah Health?

Women's health 大发娱乐提供者, Dr. 卡米尔·莫雷诺(Camille Moreno)走在大厅里,与另一位uu of U医疗服务大发娱乐提供者讨论病人的病历.

大发娱乐的 Women’s Health 团队大发娱乐提供常规检查和专业治疗,以保持您的健康. 大发娱乐的 gynecologists, family medicine 大发娱乐提供者s, primary care 大发娱乐提供者s, 妇产科医生 provide evidence-based, effective care. 


由于大发娱乐广泛的专家网络,您可以在需要时快速转诊. 大发娱乐的 5 for Life program 也允许女性在同一时间同一地点进行多次筛查, such as cervical screenings and mammograms/breast exams.

Schedule an Appointment

You don’t need a referral for a well-woman exam. 呼叫 801-213-2995 to schedule an appointment.

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