
你正在听的是 谁在乎男人的健康?:



“你的生活怎么能更好呢?? 你愿意做些什么来使它变得更好?” A mental health specialist can do more than just help after a breakdown, 它们可以大发娱乐你在生活中取得成功. 治疗师 凯文·柯蒂斯 and listener Ben are back to talk about how you can start your journey to better mental health.


这个内容最初是为音频创建的. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. As such, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.


在美国,五分之一的成年人受到心理健康问题的影响.S. and up to 35% of American men are struggling with some sort of mental health condition. Despite its prevalence, it seems like men are unlikely to talk about their mental health with others.

Listener Ben first realized he was struggling with mental health issues roughly 10 years ago. Some big changes at work early in his career started making him feel like his life was getting out of control and unmanageable.

Ben was unaware of the extent of his trouble until his father approached him during a family dinner. He mentioned that Ben didn’t seem like the same person he used to be. 这是本寻求专业大发娱乐的警钟.

Ben’s entry into mental health services came through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that was included in his insurance plan. He learned that the service was created to be a short-term treatment with outcome-focused results. 他打了这个号码, 预约, 他的心理健康状况也发生了巨大的变化.

凯文·柯蒂斯 is a licensed clinical social worker and one of Ben’s good friends. 据凯文说, it is pretty common for people to not realize there is a problem with their mental state until someone in their lives mentions something.

It can be extremely difficult to self diagnose mental health problems. "Most people can see when other people are not doing well," says Kevin. "But they are poor at judging when they aren’t doing well themselves." Even Kevin, as a therapist, uses a mental health professional to work through his troubles.


Ben met with a licensed clinical therapist through the EAP program. He appreciated the objective outside perspective and the tools, techniques the therapist provided. After just a few sessions, Ben had the starting of what he calls his "Mental Health Toolbox.这是他至今仍在使用的一套技巧.

In just a few short months Ben notes the marked improvement the therapist had on his life.

Kevin explains that it’s quite common for people to mistake mental health as something that is approached differently than physical health. 当一个人谈论典型的身体健康时, they understand that there is a broad spectrum of the type of help available depending on the ailment. 初级保健医生的维护. 针对特定问题的专家. 紧急情况下的急诊室. But when most people think of mental health, they assume you only seek help during a crisis.

他把这种误解比作利用理财规划师. You don’t only go to a financial planner when you are in bankruptcy. It’s better to go to a planner before it’s an emergency so they can help set you up for success.

"It’s not what are the problems you are experiencing you want to solve," Kevin explains. 这更多的是一个你如何才能生活得更好的问题, 你愿意做些什么来使它变得更好?"


If you feel you could use some professional help with your mental health, 凯文分享了一些你可以用来寻找护理的途径.

  • Most people that are employed with insurance have some sort of EAP program included with their benefits. Reach out to your employer to find out what services are available to you.
  • 对于没有保险的人, there are plenty of low-cost counseling services and organizations available.
  • Ask the licensed clinical social worker, therapist, or psychologist, if they use a "sliding scale." Many providers offer services at a cost that is relative to your financial situation. Asking that question should help you find help that won’t break the bank.


特洛伊收到一封听众发来的邮件. Apparently this individual found a bat in the woods and played around with it. His family is now insisting he needs to go get a rabies shot, even if he wasn’t bitten. 于是,他联系了Dr. 麦德森问他该怎么办.

简短的回答是:安全总比后悔好. 狂犬病没有治疗方法,只能进行预防性注射. The series of shots are not the terrible ones you may have heard of that go into the stomach. The rabies vaccine goes right in the arm like any other injection.

不应该玩蝙蝠. Rabies can be passed not only from a bat bite but from their saliva as well. 感染的可能性非常大, the CDC recommends you get a rabies shot if you wake up in the same room as a bat.

Additionally, it’s smart to avoid playing with wild animals, especially ones that eat meat. These creatures can be asymptomatic carriers that can transmit the disease to humans even if they don’t show any signs.


“谁关心男性健康5公里”将于6月20日举行. 大发娱乐鼓励任何想要的人 加入这场虚拟竞赛吧 and show support for Mitch as he gets closer to his goal of going from couch to 5K. 虚拟比赛可以以任何你喜欢的方式完成, 是否在运行, 骑自行车, 走, 跳过, 无论你能做什么来增加当天的体力活动.

Troy shared a photo of him and his corgi in their race bibs to show support for Mitch and his goal of running a 5k. 访问大发娱乐脸谱网 点击页面领取你的5公里比赛号码布. 下载并打印文件,以便您为比赛日做好准备. Take a photo of yourself in the bib and post them to the Who Cares 脸谱网 page or using the hashtag #WCAMH5k to show your support.


在这一集 把这个留在大发娱乐, Troy has finally joined social media and is afraid he won’t have any friends and Scot wishes he looked as cool as his shadow does when he runs.


如果你有任何问题、评论或想法,请发邮件给大发娱乐 hello@thescoperadio.com.