
U Of U Health获得“Lgbtq医疗平等最佳执行者”称号


University of Utah Health today announced their “LGBTQ医疗保健平等表现最佳“指定 from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRC). 这一称号是在第13届人权理事会上授予的 保健平等指数(HEI),今天发布. 创纪录的765家卫生保健机构积极参与了HEI 2020调查. 在HEI中,有193人获得了“LGBTQ医疗保健平等表现最佳“指定.

“Being ranked by the Human Rights Campaign as a 2020 LGBTQ Healthcare Equality 顶级表演者 is a tremendous achievement for our institution. And most important is the message it sends to our patients and our community that we are committed to equity and inclusion in order to provide all a welcoming and safe environment to receive care,约瑟说. 罗德里格斯,M.D., F.A.A.F.P.,助理V.P. 促进健康公平和多样性 & 犹他健康大学的包容性. “This is the first step in our journey to become a leader in this area and to be a model example for LGBTQ inclusive health care."

Cori Agarwal, m.s.D,. 医疗主任 & Plastic Surgeon of the Transgender Health Program at U of U Health discussed the significance of the HRC designation to the program’s patients, 声明, “向医疗服务大发娱乐提供者坦白可能是一个令人生畏的过程. Our providers and staff are prepared to have these sensitive conversations with patients. Considering our patient’s sexual orientation and gender identity is essential in providing whole-person care.阿加瓦尔继续说道, “Our providers and staff are trained in best practices and to ask patients about their pronouns and chosen name. Providing patients with a safe environment to access care is critical to ensuring the best health outcomes. Our teams promote safe spaces for patients where they can talk about their identities. We let our patients tell us about their gender journey and how our clinical teams can best help them meet their goals of affirming their gender.”

每年, HRC recognizes the health care facilities that participate in the HEI for their dedication and commitment to LGBTQ inclusion. HRC also extends its deepest gratitude to these facilities for their courageous fight against COVID-19 and their commitment to addressing racism and injustice. 由于高等教育委员会的最终调查已于3月份提交, 医疗机构正在超负荷运转,以应对COVID-19的挑战. 许多企业面临设备短缺、人员短缺和需求激增的问题. 两个月后, 抗击COVID-19的斗争仍在继续, the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by police officers thrust America’s structural racism into the spotlight. HEI与会者就种族正义和平等问题发表了强有力的声明, participated in White Coats for Black Lives demonstrations and announced new programs to address racial inequities in their institutions and their communities.

“From the previously unimaginable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to the horrific incidents of racial violence targeting the Black community, 过去一年的事件带来了如此多的痛苦和不确定性. 然而,, 即使是在这个极度动荡的时刻, 大发娱乐看到大发娱乐的人性和适应力越来越强. 对我来说, nowhere is that more true than through the tireless dedication of our health care providers and the intrepid support and administrative staff members by their sides that show up every day to ensure this life-saving work continues,人权理事会主席阿方索·大卫说. “The health care facilities participating in the HRC Foundation’s 保健平等指数(HEI) are not only on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, they are also making it clear from their participation in the HEI that they stand on the side of fairness and are committed to providing inclusive care to their LGBTQ patients. 除了, many have made strong statements on racial justice and equity and are engaging in efforts to address racial inequities in their institutions and their communities. We commend all of the HEI participants for their commitment to providing inclusive care for all.”

在2020年的报告中,令人印象深刻的495个设施获得了人权委员会的“LGBTQ卫生保健平等领袖“指定, receiving the maximum score in each section and earning an overall score of 100. 另有193个设施获得了“顶级表演者,得分在80到95分之间. 90%的参赛场馆得分在80分以上, health care facilities are demonstrating concretely that they are going beyond the basics when it comes to adopting policies and practices in LGBTQ care.


  • 92% 的学员达到了高等教育学院的培训要求,完成了超过 150000小时 以患者为中心的LGBTQ医护人员培训.
  • 99% of HEI participants documented that they include both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in their patient non-discrimination policy.
  • 99% of HEI participants documented that they include both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in their employment nondiscrimination policy.
  • 53% of HEI participants indicated that their facility has a policy or policies that specifically outline procedures and practices aimed at eliminating bias and insensitivity, 确保适当, 欢迎与跨性别患者的互动.
  • After many years of trailing their corporate counterparts in the provision of 变性人-inclusive health care benefits for employees, HEI参与的医疗保健设施几乎与人权理事会基金会相当 企业平等指数(CEI)参与者为 80% 至少有一个医疗保健计划大发娱乐提供这种福利. 最新的CEI报告指出,85%的参与者都有这样的福利.

除了积极的调查参与者, 人权基金会积极研究重点政策,000家非参与医院. The adoption rate at these researched hospitals stands in stark contrast to the near-perfect adoption by active participants. Among the researched hospitals in which we were able to find or obtain enumerated patient non-discrimination policies, 只有67%的政策包括“性取向”和“性别认同”,” and only 63% were found to have an LGBTQ-inclusive employment non-discrimination policy. 平等探视政策, at 93%, is the only one that comes close to matching the rate of the participating facilities.


The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is the education arm of America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人和酷儿人群. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, 在工作中,在每个社区