
重量, 年龄, 和性别影响持续时间, Intensity of Toxicity for Stem Cell Donors


(WASHINGTON) – Results from a first-time analysis comparing toxicity experienced by bone marrow stem cell donors and peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donors suggest that a donor's 年龄, 重量, or gender can affect the intensity and duration of their post-donation side effects. 研究结果今天在线发表在《大发体育官网》杂志上, 美国血液学会杂志(ASH).

造血, 或造血, 干细胞(hsc)存在于骨髓中, 血液(被称为外周血干细胞或PBSCs), 在脐带血中. HSCs can be collected from a donor through a surgical procedure in which liquid bone marrow is extracted from the pelvic bone, or in a nonsurgical procedure during which HSCs are directed from the bone marrow into the blood stream where they can be collected through a blood filtering process called apheresis.

虽然两种HSC采购方法都被认为是安全的, many prospective donors remain fearful of the risk of pain and long recovery times that may accompany the donation process, 导致捐助者整体短缺. 根据国家骨髓捐献计划® (NMDP)运营着Be The Match®, 每年大约10个,000名美国白血病患者, 淋巴瘤, and other life-threatening blood cancers need a HSC transplant from an unrelated donor, 但只有一半的人收到了.

近年来, the NMDP has worked to ensure that HSC donations are performed safely and ethically to minimize donor discomfort. 在90年代末, the NMDP created tools to assess adverse events encountered by PBSC donors during and after donation and have since published detailed PBSC side effect reports in the scientific literature. 而这一信息后来被用于骨髓捐献者, until recently no formal analysis had been completed directly comparing side effects encountered by those donating bone marrow stem cells with those donating PBSCs.

"Potential donors and their physicians need to know the risks of bone marrow and PBSC donation, and to this point we have not been able to draw clear distinctions between the two donation methods. 认识到这种需要, we designed our study to prospectively compare the experiences of unrelated bone marrow and PBSC donors to gain a better understanding of what donors experience throughout the donation process,迈克尔·A说. Pulsipher, MD, 该研究的第一作者, 犹他大学儿科学和医学教授, and Medical Director of the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Primary Children's Medical Center.

在这项研究中. Pulsipher和他的研究小组评估了2,726 .骨髓,768 PBSC donors whose HSC collection was facilitated by the NMDP between 2004 and 2009. Bone marrow collection was conducted by 164 donor centers and PBSC donation was facilitated by 174 donor and apheresis centers. Donor and collection centers performed donor medical evaluations the day of marrow or PBSC collection, 然后在捐赠后两天和一周进行随访, 每周联系一次,直到完全康复. 一个月, 六个月, and annual assessments were also made to determine the presence of any new or residual symptoms, 以及捕捉供体可能经历的任何毒性.

研究ers observed that 43 percent of bone marrow donors and 15 percent of PBSC donors reported at least one side effect one week after donation, with fatigue and insomnia being the most commonly reported side effects in both donor types. 一个月的随访, the percent年龄 of both types of donors reporting side effects had returned to their "normal state," or levels that the donors had reported prior to beginning the donation process. A very small percent年龄 of bone marrow donors (less than 3%) reported mild discomfort at their donation site for a few months after donation.

While pain and other side effects were found to be generally comparable among bone marrow and PBSC donors, Dr. Pulsipher's research team found differences in toxicity experienced by the two donor groups when they analyzed data by donor body mass index (BMI), 年龄, 和性别.

体重超重(BMI在25-29之间).9)和肥胖捐赠者(BMI超过30), PBSC donors were more likely than bone marrow donors to document moderate-severe (grade 2) pain levels; however, 重量 did not factor in the prevalence of fatigue and other toxicities between the two donor groups.

无论捐赠过程如何, donors between 年龄s 50-60 were actually at a lower risk than younger donors of experiencing moderate pain around the time of donation, but at a higher risk of persistent pain one week after bone marrow or PBSC collection. 除了, older donors were at an increased risk of severe and persistent side effects and fatigue at one week post donation, 反映捐赠完成后恢复期较慢.

在骨髓干细胞和骨髓干细胞捐献者中, women were more likely than men to experience pain and fatigue during and after donation, 他们需要住院治疗的可能性是其他人的两倍, although the need for non-routine hospitalization was rare (approximately 1%).

"Our study data not only show that both methods of hematopoietic stem cell donation are safe, they also more clearly define who may be at the most risk for potential complications following donation, allowing collection centers to develop approaches to further increase safety for donors at higher risk,”医生说。. Pulsipher. “更重要的是, 大发娱乐希望大发娱乐的结果有助于说服健康, potential donors who may have previously had doubts or anxieties about the process that becoming a stem cell donor is a safe and effective way to help save a life."

Reporters who wish to receive a copy of the study or arrange an interview with the authors may contact Claire Gwayi-Chore at 202-776-0544 or cgwayi-chore@hematology.org.