

SALT LAKE CITY - The University of Utah Stroke Center and University Hospital have received the 2010 American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get With The Guidelines® Stroke Gold Plus Performance Achievement Award, 最高级别的认可.  The award recognizes University of Utah Health Care’s commitment and success in implementing excellent care for stroke patients, according to evidence-based guidelines and for implementing and tracking quality measures to improve patient care.  The 大发娱乐 is the only hospital in Salt Lake County to attain this level of distinction for stroke care.

来领奖, University Hospital achieved 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Performance Achievement indicators for 24 or more consecutive months and achieved 75 percent or higher compliance with six of 10 Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Quality Measures, 哪些是衡量护理质量的报告计划.

这些措施包括积极适当地使用药物, 比如tPA, anti-thrombolitics, 抗凝治疗, 深静脉血栓形成预防, cholesterol reducing drugs and education for smoking cessation and blood pressure control, all aimed at reducing death and disability and improving the lives of stroke patients.

The University of Utah Stroke Center is a Joint Commission Designated Stroke Center.  像这样, University of Utah Health Care’s specialty-trained “Brain Attack Team” of physicians, nurses and medical staff are specially trained to identify the symptoms of stroke and are available 24/7.  大学医院配备了最新的中风技术, including CT scanners with specialized perfusion imaging that can reveal the severity of strokes.  除了, the University’s Clinical Neurosciences Center includes physicians and neurosurgeons who combine state-of-the-art interventional radiology and sophisticated neurosurgical techniques as needed for the treatment of strokes, including removing and dissolving clots directly or repairing ruptured blood vessels.

“The Stroke Center’s goal is to provide the best care available in the shortest timeline possible, and implementing Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke has been a part of our process. The number of acute ischemic stroke patients eligible for treatment is expected to grow over the next decade due to increasing stroke incidence and a large aging population,”医生说。. 詹妮弗Majersik, Director of the University of Utah Stroke Center and a neurologist with the Clinical Neurosciences Center.  “Our mission is to provide excellent stroke care – and not just at University Hospital, but throughout the state of Utah through our growing TeleStroke network.”

 "The University of Utah Stroke Center has been a leader in stroke care in Utah for over a decade,”医生说。. Stefan-M. 大学神经病学系主任. "This award further demonstrates our commitment to the prevention and treatment of strokes for our community members as well as our commitment to stroke research and education." 

"University of Utah Health Care is to be commended for its commitment to implementing standards of care and protocols for treating stroke patients,李赫说。. Schwamm, M.D., chair of the Get With The Guidelines National Steering Committee and director of the TeleStroke and Acute Stroke 服务 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.  "The full implementation of acute care and secondary prevention recommendations and guidelines is a critical step in saving the lives and improving outcomes of stroke patients." 

Get With The Guidelines® –Stroke encourages the use of the “teachable moment,病人中风后不久的时间, when they are most likely to listen to and follow their healthcare professionals’ guidance. Studies demonstrate that patients who are taught how to manage their risk factors while still in the hospital reduce their risk of a second heart attack or stroke. 通过GWTG-Stroke, customized patient education materials are made available at the point of discharge, 基于患者的个体风险概况. The take-away materials are written in an easy-to-understand format and are available in English and Spanish. 除了, the GWTG 病人 Management Tool provides access to up-to-date cardiovascular and stroke science at the point of care. 

"This award is a confirmation of the consistent ongoing effort that all our staff -nurses, therapists and physicians - have been making to ensure the best care for our stroke patients,”医生说。. Pulst.

 According to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of serious, 长期残疾.  平均, someone suffers a stroke every 45 seconds; someone dies of a stroke every three minutes; and 795,每年有000人患新发或复发性中风.

“Time is of the essence in stroke treatment because though there is treatment for stroke, 必须在中风发作后3小时内开始。”, 博士说. Majersik. “病人 and family members should know to call 911 immediately if they have any signs or symptoms of stroke, 如虚弱的脸, 手臂, 或者腿部或说话困难.”


·  F – 面部的弱点-这个人能笑吗?  他们的嘴或眼睛是否向一侧下垂?   

·  A – 手臂的弱点-这个人能举起双臂吗?  他们能用双臂抓住或握住东西吗?  是否头晕或不稳?

·  S - 语言问题-这个人能讲清楚吗?  他们说话含糊不清吗?  他们能听懂你说的话并听从指示吗?  他们突然感到困惑吗?? 

·  T – 测试所有三种症状!
