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Living with Spina Bifida

犹他州健康大学拥有该州唯一的多学科临床治疗成人脊柱裂. It is located at the Clinical Neurosciences Center as part of our neurosurgery clinic. 大发娱乐的专家团队与您一起管理与脊柱裂相关的症状,并通过定制的治疗方案提高您的生活质量. 大发娱乐的护理团队对患者面临的一系列问题有着独特的见解.

大发娱乐致力于在您的一生中,在任何需要的阶段照顾您. 患者可以很容易地从儿科或州外大发娱乐提供者那里转移他们的护理. 大发娱乐的医生为每个治疗阶段大发娱乐提供协调和连续性的护理. 作为犹他州和西部山区成人脊柱裂护理的主要资源, 大发娱乐的诊所与大多数保险公司合作,大发娱乐提供网络内覆盖的福利.

Types of Spina Bifida We Treat

脊柱裂是一种先天性(出生时发生)的疾病,发生在脊柱和脊髓不能正常形成的时候. This may leave portions of the spinal cord exposed, 是什么导致了在子宫内和幼年时脊髓和神经的损伤.


  • Spina bifida occulta (mildest and most common),
  • Meningocele, and
  • Myelomeningocele (most severe).


Spina Bifida Symptoms in Adults

Spina bifida ranges in severity from mild to debilitating symptoms, depending on the type, size, and location of the problem.

These symptoms may include:

  • 脊髓系留和/或暴露造成的麻木、无力或瘫痪;
  • loss of balance or coordination;
  • hydrocephalus (incorrect spinal fluid drainage);
  • spine issues such as scoliosis or bony compression; or
  • urinary issues, including incontinence, urinary retention or bladder infections. 

Early treatment is critical to help improve your quality of life. However, it is never too late to seek care.


Spina Bifida Treatment & Services

Spina bifida care requires routine monitoring. We recommend a yearly visit or more frequent appointments, as needed. 你和你的医生将共同制定出最适合你的护理计划.


Neurosurgery Services

Tethered Cord Evaluation
一些成年患者没有症状或轻微症状与已知的脊髓栓系(瘢痕组织积聚)相关。. 治疗的第一线是仔细监测,以防止未来的并发症. If surgery is the best option for treatment, 大发娱乐的外科医生会根据你系绳的原因和部位量身定做手术. 在手术过程中,脊髓被释放,脊柱上的压力得到缓解.

Hydrocephalus Evaluation
脑积水患者(不正确的脊髓液引流)可能需要新的或改良的脑室分流术, hollow tube placed in the brain to redirect spinal fluid buildup. 连接的内部油管将安全地移动并将液体排出到其他地方. 如果你以前做过这种手术,管子可能会随着时间的推移而磨损和破裂. If this occurs, monitoring and/or replacement surgery may be needed.

Brain Decompression Surgery
当脑组织延伸到椎管时,就会发生Chiari II型畸形. This condition often presents with spina bifida. 脑减压手术治疗Chiari II以减轻脊髓压力并改善液体流动.

Imaging Scans
大发娱乐建议定期对您的大脑和脊柱进行成像,作为协调和持续治疗计划的一部分. 您的护理团队可能会定期进行x光检查、核磁共振扫描、CT扫描和其他影像学检查,以确保:

  • your brain and spinal cord growth and development are appropriate.
  • your spinal fluid flows properly.
  • there are no new areas of concern.

Urology Services

  • Regular Monitoring — 尿潴留或尿失禁问题在一些脊柱裂患者中很常见. Your physician will check your symptoms at each visit.
  • Ureteral Reimplantation — 这是一种重新引导和纠正膀胱和肾脏之间尿液流动的手术.
  • Self-catheter training and care — 你可能会接受特殊的教育来大发娱乐你控制你的泌尿系统问题. We will teach you how to administer a catheter (a thin, 软管插入身体的狭窄开口,以清除液体)并照顾您的设备.

Physical Therapy Services

大发娱乐的护理人员希望确保您能够以最好的方式四处走动. 物理治疗练习将有助于提高你的整体活动能力、力量和稳定性. Your care provider will assess your conditioning, demonstrate exercises, 确保你有在家做练习所需的材料.


  • wheelchairs,
  • leg braces, or
  • 其他类型的辅助设备,以大发娱乐优化您的动作和灵活性.

Meet Our Providers & Care Team

Alison Barker, RN

Kari Honyaoma, MA

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Our staff is dedicated to helping your visit run smoothly. 大发娱乐将在您预约之前检查您的医生推荐和医疗记录,以确保不需要额外的成像或检查.

Before Your Visit

许多成人患者从儿科护理团队转到大发娱乐的诊所, while others transfer care from a separate practice. Our patient care coordinator will:

  • help you schedule your visit.
  • coordinate the transfer of medical records and imaging scans.
  • provide clear directions to our building and clinic.
  • recommend lodging and other amenities.

During Your Visit

你需要提前15分钟到达,完成必要的文书工作. This helps us dedicate as much time as possible to your visit. Please bring your insurance card, 确保大发娱乐的诊所能拿到所有在健康中心以外做的记录和医学影像.

每次访问允许您有时间与您的大发娱乐提供者会面,讨论任何相关的医学成像, and evaluate your symptoms or concerns. 您的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者将相互协商,以大发娱乐提供一个协调、有效的护理计划. 这消除了与每个专家单独预约的需要. Please plan for your visit to take one to two hours.

您的专科医生可能会为您进行身体检查,详细评估您的病情,并大发娱乐提供明智的护理. Examinations typically include:

  • a full neurologic assessment for all new patients;
  • 检查手和脚的循环、脉搏、力量和反射;
  • testing for sensation, strength, stability, and coordination;
  • pain and symptom assessment;
  • abdominal or pelvic exam to evaluate any urinary conditions; and
  • X-ray imaging for previously implanted devices or spinal deterioration.

Post-Operative and Follow Up Care


During these appointments, your care team may:

  • provide a physical exam,
  • remove stitches or staples, and/or
  • conduct in-office imaging.

Life Expectancy

通过频繁的运动可以获得正常到平均的预期寿命, thorough, and appropriate care. 您的治疗团队将大发娱乐您仔细地开处方,以控制症状并避免病情恶化.

How to Make an Appointment

Your current care team may refer you to our office, 但你不需要医生的推荐来安排就诊(自我推荐). 有关大发娱乐诊所的更多信息或大发娱乐的专家,请致电 801-585-6065 or request an appointment online.

Adult Spina Bifida Team

Douglas L. Brockmeyer, MD, FAAP

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Mary K. O'Rourke, PA-C

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Michael J. Workman, PT

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