
Technology and Innovation Showcased at 莫兰眼科中心’s Translational 研究 Day

史蒂芬Schmitz-Valckenberg, MD, presents 'Intermediate Age-related Macular Degeneration – Perspectives and Challenges' at 莫兰眼科中心’s Translational 研究 Day.

Leading 研究ers discussed the future of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in health care, 远程机器人眼科手术, 诊断成像 约翰一. 莫兰眼科中心’s recent Translational 研究 Day.

Ten speakers from a variety of disciplines at the University of Utah and beyond presented a wide range of projects underway to turn scientific discoveries into clinically effective and cost-effective diagnostics.

Pioneering scientist, physician, entrepreneur Michael D. 艾布拉姆, MD, 博士学位, 爱荷华大学的教授, delivered the keynote address: "Autonomous AI in Healthcare: The First Steps."

主讲人迈克尔·阿布拉莫夫, MD, 博士学位, center, is pictured with 莫兰眼科中心’s 保罗·伯恩斯坦,医学博士,博士, 正确的, 尼克·马马利斯, MD, 转化研究日的联合主席.
主讲人迈克尔·阿布拉莫夫, MD, 博士学位, center, is pictured with 莫兰眼科中心’s 保罗·伯恩斯坦,医学博士,博士, 正确的, 尼克·马马利斯, MD, 转化研究日的联合主席.

今年早些时候,阿布拉莫夫收到了 FDA首次批准 用于自主诊断AI系统, a revolutionary tool that can be used by primary care physicians to detect early stages of diabetic retinopathy. 的条件, which occurs when high levels of blood sugar damage blood vessels inside the retina, is the leading cause of 愿景 loss among millions of Americans with diabetes, 很多人不定期看眼科医生.

用阿布拉莫夫的装置, 叫IDx-DR, a doctor uploads digital images of a patient’s retinas to a cloud server to be analyzed by an AI algorithm. 如果软件检测到糖尿病视网膜病变, the patient will be referred to an eye specialist for treatment. Those with negative results will be referred for a re-screen in 12 months.

With early treatment, 愿景 loss from diabetic retinopathy is almost entirely preventable. And since the device can make screening decisions autonomously, it can be used by health care providers in primary-care settings who are not typically involved in eye care, improving patient access with an affordable solution for a critical health care need.

Themes of technology and innovation continued throughout the Sept. 活动,由Moran 's共同主持 保罗·伯恩斯坦,医学博士,博士, Nick Mamalis,医学博士. The day’s presentations are listed below, can soon be viewed at morancore.犹他州.edu.

从左, 史蒂芬Schmitz-Valckenberg, MD, 波恩大学, 德国; Barbara Wirostko,医学博士莫兰眼科中心; and Gregory S. Hageman, 博士学位莫兰眼科中心, are pictured at Translational 研究 Day.
从左, 史蒂芬Schmitz-Valckenberg, MD, 波恩大学, 德国; Barbara Wirostko,医学博士莫兰眼科中心; and Gregory S. Hageman, 博士学位莫兰眼科中心, are pictured at Translational 研究 Day.


  • "Intermediate Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – Perspectives and Challenges" by 史蒂芬Schmitz-Valckenberg, MD, 波恩大学, 德国, 也是莫兰眼科中心的兼职教授. High-resolution retinal imaging is key to Schmitz-Valckenberg’s effort to track and analyze AMD, the leading cause of severe 愿景 loss in older adults, at earlier stages to help design more meaningful clinical studies.
  • "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Ophthalmoscopy (FLIO): A New Dimension of Auto-fluorescence Imaging" by Paul S. 伯恩斯坦,医学博士,莫兰眼科中心. 使用唯一的 FLIO相机 在美国.S., Bernstein is identifying eye disease earlier than ever before, including macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel), a notoriously difficult to diagnose hereditary disease that causes central 愿景 loss.


  • "Telerobotic Solutions for Eye Surgery with Superhuman Precision" by Jake Abbott, 博士学位, associate professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Telerobotics Laboratory at the University of Utah. 艾伯特和他的团队, in collaboration with Moran 研究ers and ophthalmologists, are developing a powerful new robotic microsurgery tool for retinal surgeons.
  • "Aging and Disease through the Eyes of Vitreoretinal Adhesion" by Brittany 外套, 博士学位, associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Utah. 外套, also a frequent collaborator with Moran 研究ers, her team developed a novel device to better explore the mechanics of adhesion between the retina and vitreous body, the clear jelly that fills the eyeball from the posterior to the lens. A better understanding of vitreoretinal adhesion could help advance treatment and prevention of such conditions as retinal detachment.


  • "Translational Development of a Novel Polymer into the Clinic" by Barbara Wirostko,医学博士莫兰眼科中心. About eight years in the works, the effort lead by Wirostko to 开发CMHA-S聚合物 into an ocular bandage gel to treat ophthalmic trauma in humans is nearing the end stages of the regulatory process. The polymer has been used for years in gel form by veterinarians to treat corneal wounds in animals.
  • HTRA1在视网膜新生血管中的作用 利亚的. 欧文,医学博士,博士莫兰眼科中心. It’s a protein associated with diseases including AMD. 但关于HTRA1,大发娱乐所知不多. Is it a marker for disease or is it playing a role? These are some of the questions Owen is addressing in her 研究 into HTRA1 and its molecular network.
  • "Update on the Treatment of Migraine and Photophobia" by 布拉德利卡茨,医学博士,博士莫兰眼科中心. Treatment options for photophobia and dry eye symptoms, new medications that target the CGRP怎样受体 to prevent migraine were among the topics in the presentation by Katz, 谁是神经眼科学的专家, 白内障手术, 以及综合眼科.
  • "A Modified Small-Incision Lenticule Intrastromal Keratoplasty (sLIKE) for the Correction of High Hyperopia and Keratoconus: A Description of a New Surgical Technique and Comparison to Lenticule Intrastromal Keratoplasty (LIKE)" by Majid Moshirfar, MD, 流式细胞仪莫兰眼科中心.
  • "Current Clinical 研究 in the Private Practice Setting" by David Faber, MD, 落基山视网膜专家, 以及莫兰眼科中心的兼职教员.