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How to Eat Healthier at Home

Does your home promote a healthy eating environment? 换句话说,当你或你的家人在家饿的时候,是否容易做出健康的选择? Or are there too many tempting unhealthy choices?


如何营造有利于儿童健康饮食的环境 & Teens

Does your home promote a healthy eating environment? 换句话说,在家里吃健康的食物是否容易,或者是否有不健康的暗示? 让大发娱乐通过浏览一个典型的房子或公寓的每个房间来探索一个健康的家是什么样子的.

Living Room—Is it common to eat in your living room? 如果家人在厨房或餐厅的餐桌上吃饭,他们往往吃得更健康. 这是因为人们很容易被电视和电脑分散注意力,吃得太多或太快.

Bedroom—你会在床上发现面包屑或下面的糖果包装纸吗? 把零食和正餐限制在厨房或餐厅, so there is time to concentrate on eating, 而不是边吃边刷手机或平板电脑, reading, or relaxing.

Dining Room—Is your dining room a pleasant place to eat? 腾出空间,这样你们每天至少可以一起吃一次饭,比如早餐和/或晚餐. 为你自己和你的孩子养成习惯,坐在餐桌旁不受干扰地吃正餐和零食. 与家人一起吃饭可以为孩子和父母树立良好的习惯.

Kitchen—当你走进厨房时,你首先看到的是什么食物? 重新摆放,让你看到一个水果盘、小盒葡萄干或其他健康零食. 看看你的冰箱,看看哪些食物很容易买到.

确保健康食品放在货架的前面和中间, 而且你有了很容易制作的健康家庭餐的食材. This holds true for your cupboards and pantry. 确保你准备了家人喜欢的食材.


Checklist for a Healthy Home

  • 在家里创造一些吃饭的地方,比如厨房或餐厅.
  • Keep eating in the living room and bedroom off limits.
  • Remove candy and snack bowls from the living room.
  • 在你的冰箱和食品储藏室里储存我的盘子里的每一部分的食物。
    • fresh produce,
    • lean meat and protein alternatives,
    • fresh water,
    • dairy or non-dairy alternatives, and
    • whole grains.
  • 用你手头上的健康食物做饭,避免经常外出吃快餐或外卖.

Creating a Healthy Mealtime


  1. Eat until full and then stop.
  2. Try new foods.
  3. Learn new words and improve communication skills.
  4. Appreciate family members.

许多家庭发现晚餐是彼此交流的好时机. 还有一些人的日程安排让他们很难一起吃饭, so they prioritize breakfast as a family meal. 在一起吃饭的时候,有几条基本原则可以让家庭聚餐变得愉快:

  1. Make sure there is at least one food served that your picky eater will eat.
  2. Consider a one-bite rule. 每个人都要尝试一种食物,如果他们不喜欢,他们可以说“不,谢谢。.”
  3. Avoid making children clean their plates. 强迫孩子洗盘子教会他们在不饿的时候吃东西, which can lead to overeating. 为了避免食物浪费,少量上菜,并允许孩子再要一份.
  4. Make dessert an occasional offering 避免为了吃甜点而贿赂孩子. 贿赂抬高了甜点的档次,使这顿饭的其余部分失去了吸引力.
  5. 与每个人交谈,开玩笑,在吃饭的时候玩得开心. 让吃饭时间成为享受彼此的时间,而不仅仅是食物.
  6. Set an amount of time比如20分钟,你们会一起待在桌子上,而不是匆忙离开.
  7. Involve your children in making meals and choosing what is for dinner for everyone.
  8. Avoid short-order cooking 为挑食者大发娱乐提供不同的食物,这样他们就有动力尝试你大发娱乐提供的食物.
  9. Avoid talking about how much each person is eating or discussing children’s body sizes. Trust everyone to eat until full, and then stop.

记住,让孩子吃饭不是父母的工作. The parent is responsible for providing healthy foods, and the child’s job is to try a bite, and eat how much their body is telling them it needs. This guideline helps avoid meal-time struggles.

Activity for Parents & Kids

向孩子们解释人们“用眼睛吃东西”(意思是他们会被周围好看的东西触发吃东西). 一起在家里四处寻宝,寻找让健康食品最先出现的方法, and unhealthy foods less available.

查看每个房间、冰箱、食品储藏室和橱柜. 作为一个家庭,你能做些什么改变来让健康食品更容易获得和吸引人呢? What foods should be always available versus sometimes available in your home in order to promote health?

Next Steps

如果你认为你的孩子在饮食方面需要大发娱乐, schedule an appointment with a pediatrician, family medicine, or internal medicine provider. View our providers in each of these areas.

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