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Preventing Childhood Diabetes Through Healthy Eating

When children experience growth spurts, they need additional protein for muscle growth, calcium, and vitamin D to accommodate bone growth, and iron for overall tissue growth. 正因为如此,孩子们在这些运动中需要更多的能量或卡路里.


Nutrition for Kids & Teens

对儿童和青少年健康饮食的研究显示了每个食物组中需要多少食物才能生长, development, and activity. Overall, 美国儿童的饮食质量随着他们从童年进入青春期而下降.

Healthy Eating Index

Research studies measure this by the Healthy Eating Index该网站根据每个食物类别对人口的饮食模式进行评级. 它分配了一个数字分数,从1到100,其中100分是均衡饮食的分数. Current scores for these age groups are:

  • 61 for ages two to four,
  • 55 for ages five to eight,
  • 52 for ages nine to13, and
  • 51 for ages 14-18.

所有美国儿童和青少年的饮食模式都有很大的改进空间. 他们可以吃富含维生素和矿物质的食物,大幅度减少高糖食物, saturated fat, and sodium.

Recommendations on What to Eat


  • Vegetables 包括绿色、红色/橙色、豆类/扁豆和淀粉类蔬菜
  • Fruits – especially whole fruits
  • Grains – mostly whole grains
  • Protein -如肉类、鸡肉、海鲜、豆类、坚果和豆制品
  • Oils – such as vegetable oil or oils in food

儿童和青少年应将“其他用途的卡路里”的摄入量限制在150卡路里或更少. 这样就可以少吃一些零食,比如苏打水, baked goods, and candy—about two small cookies per day.

Find detailed tables on healthy eating, for kids, including amounts from each food group per day in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Provide Nutrient Dense Meals & Snacks

父母和监护人可以为孩子大发娱乐提供营养丰富的食物和零食,大发娱乐他们更接近食物组的建议. 在童年早期养成习惯可以大发娱乐青少年在成年后养成健康的饮食习惯.

Research About Healthy Eating in Kids & Teens

Research shows, however, there are many barriers to healthy eating in the US, 比如杂货店里大量的超加工食品, an array of fast-food restaurants, 以及那些推销给大发娱乐的、作为提振情绪或放纵自己的方式的、容易获得的零食. 

10 Habits for Healthy Eaters

然而,研究并没有大发娱乐提供如何培养健康饮食者的所有答案, 它确实建议了一些鼓励健康饮食的习惯和方法. We’ve put together some ideas for you below.

1. 大发娱乐孩子倾听身体关于饥饿和饱腹的暗示.


2. Avoid Using Food as a Reward, Bribe, or Punishment.

Also, avoid labelling foods as forbidden or bad. Participate in positive conversations about food. 关于食物的对话可以使用“快餐是一种偶尔的食物”这样的语言, 不是每天都吃的食物”或者“大发娱乐家大部分时间都喜欢吃含有大量水果和蔬菜的自制食物。.”

3. 让孩子和青少年参与到食品采购和食品准备中来.


4. 大部分时间吃健康食品,偶尔吃不健康食品.

试着平衡饮食,总是大发娱乐提供沙拉或蔬菜. 例如,当你大发娱乐提供披萨时,一定要在旁边大发娱乐提供沙拉或切碎的蔬菜.

5. Teach Picky Eaters to Accept Meal Options.

If you have picky kids or teens, 试试下面这句话(而不是为每个家庭成员做一顿快餐):“有些日子大发娱乐吃你最喜欢的饭,有些日子家里的其他人很幸运. But there will always be something you can eat.”

6. Eat as a Family as Often as Possible.

一家人多吃一顿饭有助于提高饮食质量, including more consumption of fruits, vegetables, grains, calcium-rich foods and fiber.

7. Limit Sugar Sweetened Beverages.

Let kids and teens know that sugar sweetened beverages, like soda, energy drinks, 水果饮料在你的家庭中是有限的,因为它们的含糖量很高, and are occasional foods, just like candy.

8. Minimize Ultra-Processed Foods in Your Home.

Ultra-processed foods are products like cookies, crackers, sugar-sweetened cereals, 还有一些包装食品在家里很难制作. Choose fresh foods as often as possible.

9. 谈论不同的家庭如何根据他们的背景和喜好吃不同的食物.


10. 在谈论健康饮食时避免关注体重.

如果你担心孩子的体重或饮食习惯, 联系你的儿科医生或注册营养师.


从长远考虑,努力让你的孩子成为可以自己吃和准备健康食物的青少年, 然后长大成人,对自己的饮食习惯和身材有自信. Avoid focusing on perfect eating, and keep the focus on healthy meals most days, exploring new meals as a family, and including vegetables, salads, and fruit at every meal.

Next Steps

如果你认为你的孩子在饮食方面需要大发娱乐, schedule an appointment with a pediatrician, family medicine, or internal medicine provider. View our providers in each of these areas.

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