
副作用 & 症状管理

许多癌症治疗都会产生副作用. 癌症本身会引起改变一个人日常生活的症状. 大发娱乐的主题列出了最常见的关注点.

亨茨曼癌症研究所 has many Resources available to our patients and their loved ones to help with the side effects of cancer treatment:

  • 急症护理诊所 offers same-day care for cancer patients who need quick treatment for side effects and other issues such as 恶心想吐.
  • 大发娱乐的 支持肿瘤 & 生存 team helps patients create plans for long-term well-being during and after treatment. 的 team includes doctors who specialize in managing pain and other symptoms.
  • 健康 & 综合健康中心 大发娱乐提供许多课程和服务,以促进身心健康. Yoga, massage, art therapy, and one-on-one exercise sessions are just a few examples.
  • 大发娱乐的 病人 & 家庭支持 社工大发娱乐提供小组服务, 个人, and family counseling to help people affected by cancer manage the feelings and concerns they have.
  • 性健康 & 健康诊所 能大发娱乐人们驾驭身体吗, 情感, 人际关系也因癌症治疗而改变.

找到更多 Resources 下面.


焦虑 is common when facing new or stressful situations such as a cancer diagnosis and the life changes it brings. 你可能会觉得不好的事情要发生了. You may have physical symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, shaking, and sweaty palms. 其中一些也可能由癌症治疗引起. 如果你有这种感觉,告诉你的癌症护理团队是很重要的.

面对癌症感到悲伤和愤怒是正常的. 一些药物,如类固醇,可以增加它. 抑郁症 involves feelings of hopelessness or despair that don’t go away and get in the way of your normal activities and relationships. 其他症状包括食欲不振, 睡眠的变化, 低能量的, 而且很难集中注意力. 如果你有这种感觉,和你的癌症护理团队谈谈.

癌症治疗可以改变 记忆与思考有时被称为化疗脑. 许多患者感到健忘或难以集中注意力. 这通常是暂时的,治疗后会好转. 它可能是由治疗本身、相关的压力或疲劳引起的.


贫血 当身体没有足够的红细胞时就会发生, 它们将氧气输送到全身的组织中. When there are too few red blood cells, the body’s tissues do not get enough oxygen to do their work. 这会让你感到疲倦或虚弱. 验血可以检查贫血.

一些化疗药物会减缓体内血小板的生成, 如果你被割伤了,这些细胞会凝结血液. 出血的问题 是否常见于血小板细胞数量少的患者. 这被称为血小板减少症. 有这种情况的患者必须格外小心,不要受伤, 因为他们更容易出血.

便秘 排便少,大便硬或小. 早期治疗这些症状很重要. 阿片类药物(麻醉止痛药)会导致便秘. Talk to your cancer care team before taking any laxatives or stool softeners.

感觉 乏力 (extreme weakness or tiredness) is a very common side effect of cancer treatments. 它有很多原因, 包括化疗导致的低血细胞计数, 复苏, 痛苦, 饮食和睡眠模式的改变.

脱发 在化疗和放疗中常见吗. 的se treatments target cells in the body that grow very quickly—a trait of cancer cells and hair cells. 你可能会在身体的任何地方掉毛. 脱发通常在第一次治疗后的两到三周开始. 并不是每个病人都会脱发. 这取决于化疗的类型或放疗的量.

淋巴水肿 某个部位积液是因为淋巴系统受损吗. It is a side effect of radiation therapy and certain cancer surgeries that remove lymph nodes. 它最常见于手臂或腿部. 很多事情都会引发淋巴水肿:飞机旅行, 感染, 虫咬, 过度使用或受伤的肢体, 或晒伤.

癌症治疗会引起舌头发炎, 嘴唇, 口, 喉咙, 还有胃肠道. 这通常会导致 口腔溃疡 (称为粘膜炎)和吃、喝、睡时的不适. 爱护口腔,避免感染.

癌症药物和治疗通常会导致 恶心想吐. 这可能是一种恶心的感觉,也可能是足以让你呕吐的感觉. Your care team can give you medicine to help with 恶心想吐 if it gets in the way of your day-to-day activities.

一些化疗药物会引起 皮肤或指甲的变化:

  • 瘙痒、干燥、发红、皮疹和脱皮
  • Acne-like皮疹
  • 增加对阳光的敏感度
  • 指甲变黑、变黄、易碎、开裂
  • 静脉区域静脉变暗

Some chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapies can irritate the bladder and cause 尿的变化. Your cancer care team may take urine samples to check for signs of kidney problems. Some chemotherapy drugs also cause urine to change color or to have a strong, 注射后72小时内仍有类似药物的气味.

性健康 & 生育能力

癌症治疗可能导致暂时或永久的后果 生育率的变化或者生育能力. Risk factors depend on age and type of treatments such as radiation to the pelvic area or surgery to remove all or part of the reproductive organs. 和你的医疗团队谈谈可能的生育变化 治疗开始前. 大发娱乐的 性健康 & 健康诊所 offers a team of providers who can help you navigate the process and provide sexual health support during and after cancer treatment.

Cancer and its treatments sometimes cause side effects that make it difficult to have sex:

  • 男性: Genital discomfort, pain during ejaculation, or difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection
  • 女性: Dry vagina, abnormal vaginal discharge, or bleeding after or during intercourse

Many patients have feelings and emotions that lessen sexual desire during or after cancer treatment. This might include 乏力, stress, depression, anxiety, and changed body image. 坦诚地交流自己的感受、担忧和偏好是很重要的. 了解更多关于 性健康Resources 对于癌症患者.

亨斯迈癌症研究所与 犹他州生殖医学中心 (UCRM) at the University of Utah to help people with cancer who want to have children after treatment. 这个过程是这样的.

  • 男性: 在癌症治疗开始前,UCRM收集并冷冻你的精液. 它们可以储存多年的精液. 他们后来用它来让你的伴侣怀孕.
  • 女性: UCRM会在癌症治疗开始前收集你的一些卵子. 卵子可以立即冷冻,也可以先受精后冷冻. 受精卵称为胚胎. 冷冻卵子或胚胎可以保存数年. 当你准备怀孕时,你可以使用它们. In some cases, doctors can give medicines that may protect fertility during cancer treatment. Experts at the UCRM will work with you and your health care team to find the best fertility plan for you.

疼痛 & 感染

疼痛是癌症患者的常见症状. 除了癌症本身,癌症的治疗也可能引起疼痛. 适当的疼痛管理可以大发娱乐提高你的生活质量. 如果你有癌症相关的疼痛,让你的医疗团队知道. 的 支持肿瘤学和生存 (SOS) service at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 has a team of experts trained in treating cancer-related pain and its many side effects using medicine and non-medicine treatments.

  • 病人 may be prescribed opioids for cancer-related pain and will be closely monitored. When used as prescribed, opioids can be an effective way to manage moderate to severe pain. Other treatments, such as nerve injections, nerve surgery, and pain pumps, can also help manage pain.
  • Many complementary and integrative health treatments have also been shown to reduce and help manage pain. 的 健康 & 综合健康中心 能大发娱乐提供服务, 比如按摩, 针灸, 还有运动课程, 大发娱乐控制副作用.

一些化疗药物会损害神经. 这可能导致一种叫做 周围神经病变. 病人 describe it as tingling, burning, weakness, numbness, or pain in the hands or feet. 当你站立或行走时,神经损伤可能表现为不稳定, 从你手上掉东西, 或者感觉冷热的能力更弱.

白细胞有助于保护身体免受感染. 化疗导致体内白细胞数量减少. 这种情况叫做 嗜中性白血球减少症. 它会让你有更高的感染风险. 白细胞数量低的时候, it is important to avoid sources of 感染 such as people who are sick or improperly prepared foods.

一些化疗药物可能引起肌肉或关节疼痛 疼痛和痛苦. Symptoms are usually temporary and get better, but it may take up to a year after treatment stops.
