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What is Melanoma?

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that arises in melanocytes. 黑色素细胞是皮肤中产生色素(黑色素)的细胞,黑色素赋予皮肤颜色.

Learn more about melanoma.

皮肤解剖:皮肤的解剖,显示表皮、真皮层和皮下组织. 黑色素细胞位于表皮最深处的基底细胞层中.

Layers of the Skin


皮肤的层包括表皮、真皮层和皮下组织. Melanocytes 是在表皮最深处的基底细胞层吗.

Our Experts

大发娱乐的皮肤癌专家团队为黑色素瘤患者大发娱乐提供世界一流的护理. 亨斯迈癌症研究所的皮肤癌项目大发娱乐提供了无与伦比的专业知识, innovation, 以及对所有类型的皮肤癌和皮肤病的同情心护理. 大发娱乐采用多学科团队的方式为患者服务. 大发娱乐一起审查每个病例,协调治疗,并计划后续护理. 作为西部山区唯一一家nci指定的综合癌症中心, 大发娱乐致力于通过使用最先进的治疗方法,确保大发娱乐的患者尽快康复. 

Treatment for melanoma may include several providers:

  • Medical doctors, surgeons, and radiation specialists
  • 诊断大发娱乐提供者,包括病理学家和放射科医生
  • 护士,医师助理,社会工作者,物理和职业治疗师

Getting a Second Opinion

All individuals can benefit from getting a second opinion from one of our skin cancer specialists. Make an appointment online today or call 801-587-7000.

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Treatment of Melanoma

每位患者接受的治疗或治疗组合取决于黑色素瘤的阶段, recommendations of the care team, and the patient’s wishes. These are the most common types of treatment:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • 靶向治疗(例如,如果你的肿瘤有BRaf突变)
  • Immunotherapy
  • Clinical trials testing new therapies

Learn more about types of cancer treatments.

Clinical Trials

亨茨曼癌症研究所的临床试验测试了新的诊断方法, treat, and manage skin cancers and melanoma. 大发娱乐对患者的奉献意味着大发娱乐不断努力寻找新的治疗方法来减轻黑色素瘤治疗的症状并最大限度地减少副作用.

Causes & Risk Factors

任何增加患病几率的因素都被称为风险因素. 有风险因素并不意味着你一定会得癌症. 这意味着你的几率比普通人要高. 和你的医生谈谈,了解更多关于你患癌症的风险. 保护皮肤是预防皮肤癌的重要组成部分.

Sunburn on back of neck

Other Risk Factors

  • Personal history of melanoma
  • Family history of melanoma or unusual moles (atypical nevus syndrome)
  • 被太阳晒伤起水泡的,尤指在儿童或青少年时期
  • Prior use of tanning beds
  • Having more than 50 moles
  • Unusual moles (very large or irregular shapes)
  • Fair skin
  • Red hair and blue, green, grey, or light-colored eyes
  • Having a weakened immune system, including:
    • 那些接受器官移植并服用免疫抑制药物的人
    • Patients with metastatic cancer
    • Individuals actively in treatment for cancer

Learn more about ways to prevent skin cancer and about cancer screenings.

Signs & Symptoms

These are signs of melanoma:

  • 新的溃疡或损伤可能看起来像痣,但在外观上变化迅速
  • A mole with any of these features:

Asymmetry or lopsidedness

Irregular or jagged borders



Changing in appearance over a few months

Any symptoms such as crusting, bleeding, or itching

大多数痣是良性的,不会显著改变成人的外观. However, rarely a mole can become melanoma. 如果你有任何这些迹象,请尽快去看医生.


Diagnosis & Stages

Screening & Diagnosis of Melanoma

Screening looks for cancer before you have symptoms. 如果你注意到皮肤的变化,筛查也可以检查任何不寻常的东西. 筛查可以排除问题或大发娱乐在早期发现癌症, when it may be easier to treat.


Skin Exam

A healthcare provider checks for moles, birthmarks, or other areas that look abnormal in color, size, shape, or texture.

Mole Mapping

Mole mapping 使用高分辨率的照片,采取所有病变在你的身体的清单. 如果你有很多不寻常的痣,或者你有皮肤癌的病史,痣映射图片大发娱乐提供了一种追踪皮肤变化的方法.

Learn more about mole mapping services.



Read more information about a new diagnosis of melanoma.

Stages of Melanoma

癌症分期显示癌症是否已经扩散到皮肤内部或周围或身体的其他部位. 癌症通过三种方式在体内扩散,通过组织、淋巴系统或血液.

There are multiple stages of melanoma:

  • Stage 0 (melanoma in situ): 恶性细胞局限于表皮(皮肤的外层),并没有侵入皮肤的深层.
  • Stage 1 (1A & 1B): 恶性细胞未侵入皮肤表面以下超过2毫米.
  • Stage 2 (2A , 2B, & 2C): 恶性细胞侵入皮肤表面以下大于2毫米但小于4毫米.
  • Stage 3: Malignant cells, regardless of the depth of invasion or ulceration, 是否已经扩散到淋巴结或在原发肿瘤附近形成更小的肿瘤.
  • Stage 4: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

当癌症从它开始的地方扩散到身体的另一部分时,它被称为 metastasis. 这些转移性癌细胞与原发肿瘤是同一种癌症. 例如,如果黑色素瘤扩散到骨骼,骨骼中的癌细胞就是黑色素瘤细胞. The disease is metastatic melanoma, not bone cancer.

Learn more about the stages of melanoma from the National Cancer Institute.

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