
Taking care of a person who has cancer takes time, work, and effort. Caregivers often forget to take care of their own physical and emotional health. It’s important to take things one day at a time and know you will have good days and bad days. Give yourself credit for the responsibility you have taken on. 这是一项艰巨的工作!

Caregivers who take care of their own well-being can give better care to their loved ones. Here are 12 things the social workers at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 recommend caregivers ask themselves each day.


  1. Have I moved or exercised for at least 10 minutes?
  2. 我吃的营养食物够吗?
  3. 我洗过澡还是淋浴了?
  4. Have I slept at least 5 hours in a reasonably comfortable bed or taken a restorative nap?
  5. Have I talked to at least one adult about how I am doing and not just about my loved one?
  6. 我笑了吗??
  7. Have I spent at least 10 minutes of meditation, prayer, or quiet thought?
  8. Have I set and met a few practical goals such as doing the dishes or walking the dog?
  9. Have I looked or been outside or had some exposure to sunshine?
  10. Have I had positive physical contact with my loved one not related to caregiving such as hugging or holding hands?
  11. 我有没有让别人大发娱乐我?
  12. Have I named one good thing that has happened or been grateful for something in my day that is going okay?


Caregiver burnout is a normal response to caring for a loved one who has a long-term illness. In fact, studies show more than 50% of caregivers experience burnout. The effects of burnout are similar to feeling depressed. 

People feel burnout differently, but it often has physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects:

  • A feeling that something bad is going to happen
  • Various feelings of anger, anxiety, sadness, and grief
  • 乏力
  • Hard time concentrating, making decisions, or problem solving
  • 头痛和肌肉紧张
  • 颤抖或颤抖 
  • 睡眠问题

It is important to know about caregiver burnout so you can recognize any signs. The more you know, the better you will be able to care for yourself and your loved one with cancer. You can take steps to relieve stress related to caregiver burnout. 



  • 要时刻注意自己的健康. 总是.
  • 每天晚上尽量保证充足的睡眠.
  • Let yourself grieve—to cry, to feel numb, to be angry, or to feel however you are feeling.
  • Take regularly scheduled time to relax and recharge.
  • 对不必要的任务说“不”.
  • Be present in the moment whenever possible.
  • 在每一天中寻找一点快乐.


  • 一次只完成一项任务. 尽可能避免多任务处理.
  • Break big blocks of information into smaller chunks to understand them better.
  • 制定每日和每周计划. 当你完成一项任务时,把它划掉.
  • Organize information so you can find it when you need it.
  • 写下你的任务和担忧.


  • Remember that asking for help is a sign of strength and awareness, not a weakness.
  • Find specific tasks for family members, friends, and neighbors who offer to help. Here are examples of things helpers can do for you:
    • Cover you for a night out with friends or quiet time alone at home
    • 打扫房子
    • 购买食品杂货
    • 进行家庭维修
    • 修剪草坪或铲雪
    • 准备饭菜
    • 给你一个可以依靠的肩膀


  • 与其他护理人员联系. 分享故事和技巧.
  • 把它说出来. Consider meeting with a social worker or support group. Get professional counseling right away if you feel overwhelmed or depressed.
  • Be open to resources and technology such as online help and social media support groups.
  • 教育你自己. Knowing all you can about your loved one’s cancer may help you feel more in control and help you set realistic expectations.


A loved one staying in the hospital can be very stressful. As a caregiver, you want to be there for your loved one, but you need to take care of yourself, too.

  • 记得休息. Leave the hospital at night and try to sleep so you are refreshed for the next day.
  • 吃点东西来保持体力. Have regular meals and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Know it is OK to spend some time away from the hospital. Do something you enjoy to give your mind a rest.
  • 与家人和朋友保持联系.
  • Be sure to use the many 亨茨曼癌症研究所 services available for patients and their caregivers. 大多数都是免费的.


When a person you love has a serious illness such as cancer, it can be hard to know what to say. Talking with your loved one can help both of you through this difficult time. Here are some suggestions for communicating with a loved one who is ill.







别那样说话! 你可以战胜它!





我现在感到不知所措. 大发娱乐今天晚些时候再谈这个好吗?



医生们都知道些什么? 你可能会永生.

你觉得怎么样? 你认为医生是对的吗?

不要放弃. 我需要你在大发娱乐.

I want you here and will miss you terribly. 但我总会熬过去的.


你觉得出去玩怎么样? If it is too much for you we can come straight home.


Let’s be sure you get the best medical treatments, but let’s be together when we have done all we can..

不要难过. 你会好起来的.

