
HMHI Celebrates Psychiatry Faculty Awarded Tenure and Promotions

HMHI is very proud to recognize our incredible faculty for their innovative psychiatric pursuits. Tenure recognizes a 学者's high impact and scientific contributions in their field. Promotions are awarded when a faculty member shows excellence in the college's mission areas.

We applaud the following individuals who have been awarded Tenure or promoted in rank in 医学院. Their work extends beyond HMHI, 医学院, 以及精神病学部门,对精神病学领域产生了巨大的影响,改善了犹他州和其他地区社区的心理健康. 

斯科特Langenecker, PhD – Professor (Award of Tenure)

Dr. 斯科特Langenecker is a clinical neuropsychologist and Professor of Psychiatry, and Adjunct Professor of Psychology. Dr. Langenecker的研究和临床工作主要集中在整个生命周期中情绪障碍的转化认知神经科学. His current work is focused on early detection, 初级和二级预防在青少年晚期到青年过渡时期-在这个时期情绪障碍的风险是最高的. 除了, 他的临床研究包括一系列的生命周期研究,以了解人类的认知和情感功能,以及它是如何在重度抑郁症和双相情感障碍中出错的.  

Dr. Langenecker joined the Psychiatry faculty in 2018. 他在HMHI的SafeUT签名文本危机管理项目的研究和质量改进项目中担任关键团队负责人,并指导了一项使用创新疗法的临床试验,以减少青少年的反刍和预防抑郁症复发. He also serves as a state-level suicide prevention advocate. 

值得注意的是,博士. Langenecker has led and collaborated in studies using variants of the Parametric Go/No-go (PGNG) task that he designed using clinical populations with suspected deficits in executive functioning, such as healthy and abnormal aging, 抑郁症, 创伤性脑损伤, 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停, 和成人多动症. 这些合作加强了对临床环境中使用PGNG的价值和有效性/可靠性的理解, including predicting treatment outcomes in mood disorders. He has also designed tasks of list learning, emotion processing of facial expressions (Facial Emotion Perception Test), 手指振荡, 侧翼注意力任务, a modified visual Sternberg task, 连续性能任务, a self-referential processing task, a modified color-word interference resolution task, 而一个定量的金钱激励延迟了任务,并将预见到持续的任务发展作为一个专业领域,这对于作为精神病学和神经病学的循证医学工具是很重要的. 这些任务用于国家心理健康研究所资助的临床试验(美国)和世界各地的相关研究,以确定和确认临床结果的预测有效性. 


罗伯特·C. Welsh, PhD – Associate Professor (Award of Tenure)

Dr. 罗伯特·威尔士 is an interdisciplinary neuroscientific investigator and Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Using his technical expertise in neuroimaging and statistical methods, Dr. Welsh generates sophisticated data for translational studies of novel psychiatric treatments. 他与许多研究同事合作,将技术物理和严格的分析方法引入许多成像研究, 部门内部, 跨部门, and to national and international collaborations. 

Dr. Welsh joined the Psychiatry faculty in 2016. He has an interest in minority health disparities and social justice. 除了 to other funding in this area, 他最近获得了犹他大学副校长研究办公室的资助,用于研究与COVID-19相关的健康差异. Dr. Welsh's developed computational pipelines and software tools are widely used in imaging research around the country. An imaging task that he optimized is now used to collect data from 10,在美国21个地点进行青少年大脑认知发展纵向研究的000个人(包括HMHI的犹他州地点). He also provides critical collaboration for statistical analyses of other large datasets, engaging methods that extend well beyond the analysis needs of neuroimaging data.

最后,博士. Welsh非常致力于指导,最近获得了美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)一项为期5年的R25课程的资助,该课程的重点是在神经成像和遗传学重叠领域大发娱乐提供高级统计方法的高级培训. This project attracts trainees from many institutions, bringing national recognition to the University of Utah, 医学院, HMHI, 精神科.


黛博拉《大发娱乐》, MD - Professor (Clinical) 

Dr. 黛博拉《大发娱乐》 是自闭症和苯丙酮尿症(PKU)的三重临床和研究专家,精神病学(临床)教授和儿科学和教育心理学副教授. Her investigations in autism epidemiology, 病因, and adult outcomes are funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “孤独症代言人”, and the Utah Department of Health. Dr. Bilder是国家自闭症研究的倡导者,并建立了一个新的临床服务,填补了严重残疾患者精神护理的空白, extending the University's outreach to this patient population across Utah. 

Dr. Bilder joined the Psychiatry faculty in 2003 and has built a strong reputation for excellence as a researcher, 教育家, 学者, 管理员, 和临床医生. She is past President of the Psychiatric 研究 Society, past Medical Director of HMHI's Neurobehavior HOME program, and Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic. 她是医学院理事会的成员,也是精神病学部门咨询委员会的联合主席. 


瑞秋堰, MD – Associate Professor (Clinical) 

Dr. 瑞秋堰 is a board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist and Associate Professor (Clinical) of Psychiatry. Dr. Weir致力于通过创新和咨询来增加精神健康治疗的可及性,这体现在她作为精神病学项目主任和精神健康综合轮转主管的工作中. This rotation places psychiatry residents in the University 社区 Clinics, 他们在哪里作为团队的一部分大发娱乐提供初级保健咨询并改善诊所人群的心理健康. She is also the founder of the Huntsman Mental Health Institute's Consult Clinic, where primary care providers can obtain access to a one-time consultation for their patients in a timely manner. 

Dr. Weir joined the Psychiatry faculty in 2009. 她提倡在精神病学中定期使用结果测量和基于测量的护理的重要性,并对改善抑郁症患者的结果感兴趣. 她通过美国精神病学协会完成了协作护理和其他精神健康整合模式的培训. Dr. Weir获得了许多精神病学住院医师培训奖,并担任大学医院抑郁症倡议的内科主任.


约瑟夫·金, PhD - Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Dr. 约瑟夫·金 is a neuropsychologist and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry. Dr. Kim的研究工作侧重于阐明老年人情绪失调和神经认知功能障碍的神经生物学机制,并开发新的无创脑刺激干预措施. 他最近获得了CCTS试点资助,用于开展一项关于前额叶皮层情绪调节功能的TMS-fMRI联合研究,并获得了由3i倡议和研究副总裁办公室赞助的COVID-19特别重点研究种子资助,以研究大流行期间社会隔离对老年人的心理影响. 

Dr. Kim于2018年加入精神病学教授,并赞助/领导一个跨学科的经颅磁刺激(TMS)期刊俱乐部. 在临床工作中, 他对成人的记忆和思维问题进行神经心理学评估,并为各种病因导致的执行功能障碍患者大发娱乐提供心理治疗.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 创伤性脑损伤, etc.)和共病性情绪障碍.


安德鲁James 史密斯, PhD - Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Dr. 安德鲁J. 史密斯 is a psychologist and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry. Dr. 史密斯 is the founder and director of the Occupational Trauma Program, which applies a clinical science model to assess and treat occupationally traumatized populations (firefighters, 在第一时间作出回应, 执法, 医学专家, 军人, 和退伍军人). 

Dr. 史密斯 joined the Psychiatry faculty in 2018. He holds a joint appointment at the VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System as a health psychologist in Primary Care, a research position at the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience, and distinction as a Pat Tillman Military Scholar. 

Dr. 史密斯目前和未来的研究重点是开发以弹性为导向的干预措施,以个性化的方式针对功能结果, 可访问的, and culturally palatable for patients. Ongoing studies are aimed at risk and resilience across time in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, measuring and modeling how social relationship health and isolation change over time, and an intervention to target social functioning. 
