
COVID-19: What to Do if You or a Family Member Test Positive

Parent looking at thermometer while on phone with child in background.

This information was accurate at the time of publication. Due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, some information may have changed since the original publication date. More accurate information is 现在可用.

1. Immediately Implement Physical Distancing


  • Stay home from work and school and avoid other public places
  • Stay in a specific room away from others in the home
  • Use a separate bathroom if available
  • Wear a face mask when exposed to others in or outside the home

"Many of our folks in Utah have large families and that can be very difficult,” 约翰·巴雷特,医学博士, executive medical director of U of U Health's Community Physician Group. "But you want to make sure that for those who might be at risk for infection, you make that risk as small as you can."

Additionally, prohibit visitors who do not have an essential need to be in the home. Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow, such as by an air conditioner or an opened window.

2. 防止细菌的传播


  • Cover your mouth and 鼻子 with a tissue when you sneeze or cough.
  • Throw any used tissues in a closed trash bin.
  • Immediately after—and whenever you have contact with food, 宠物, 上厕所, 受感染的表面, or other people—wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If water and soap are not available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Clean and disinfect shared surfaces

A person can get COVID-19 by touching an infected surface or object and touching their eyes, 鼻子, 或口. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, however. To prevent this method of infection, the CDC recommends regularly cleaning and disinfecting all frequently touched surfaces, 包括表, 门把手, 电灯开关, 台面, 处理, 桌子, 手机, 键盘, 遥控器, 厕所, 水龙头, 和汇.

To clean surfaces that are dirty, you can use detergent or soap and water. 消毒, use diluted household bleach, alcohol solutions that contain at least 70% alcohol, or any EPA-registered household disinfectant.

Handle any potentially infected items with caution

Avoid sharing personal household items like dishes, 毛巾, and 床上用品. Use gloves when handling dishes, 毛巾, 床上用品, 洗衣, or trash and be sure to wash hands with soap and water after removing gloves.

3. 大发娱乐提供症状治疗

大多数 people, symptoms last a few days and get better after a week. 与此同时, prioritize making sure the sick person drinks a lot of fluids to stay hydrated and rests at home. "I can't emphasize hydration enough," Barrett says. Over-the-counter medications may also help with some symptoms, as fever is generally the symptom that makes people feel the worst, 据巴雷特说.

4. Monitor for Worsening Symptoms, and Know the Emergency Warning Signs

If you or a loved one develop worsening symptoms, call your health care provider or the University of Utah Health hotline at 801-587-0712. In case of a medical emergency, dial 911.

Some common emergency warning signs include*:

  • 呼吸困难
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • 嘴唇或脸发青

*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

5. 何时结束居家隔离

People with COVID-19 who have stayed home can stop home isolation under the following conditions:

If they will not have a test to determine if they are still contagious, they can leave home after these three things have happened:

  • They have had no fever for at least 72 hours (three full days) without the use of medicine that reduces fevers, 和
  • Other symptoms have improved (such as cough or shortness of breath), 和
  • At least seven days have passed since their symptoms first appeared.

如果他们愿意接受考验 to determine if they are still contagious, they can leave home after these three things have happened:

  • They no longer have a fever (without the use medicine that reduces fevers), 和
  • Other symptoms have improved (such as cough or shortness of breath), 和
  • They received two negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart. 他们的医生会跟进 疾病控制与预防中心的指导意见中.

为 any additional questions, contact your health care provider or the University of Utah Health hotline at 801-587-0712.


In a recent study of 5,000 individuals in the U.S. who tested positive for COVID-19, there was a 10% chance of spread within a family, compared to 0.不经常联系的占5%.

"It's not everyone in the family that gets COVID-19, and it's certainly not everybody outside if you are in contact,” 托马斯·米勒,医学博士, chief medical officer for U of U Health. "It does give me some hope that people who are living in families may not experience the spread as aggressively as they might think."


Our community is our greatest asset, and whatever help you can give, we are truly grateful for.
