
什么是皮肤 & 皮下注射?

皮肤填充剂, 或者皮肤填充物, are products that doctors inject into your skin to facial wrinkles and loss of volume (fullness in your face) less noticeable. Wrinkles and facial thinning can result from age, sun damage, weight loss, surgery, or trauma.


  • 面部皱纹或细纹,
  • overall loss of volume (or fullness) in your face,
  • 疤痕(包括痤疮疤痕),和
  • depressions (caves or hollow areas) on your skin.

填料 can augment (or smooth out) skin on your face, 嘴唇, and hand so your skin is more firm and younger looking. Doctors recommend filler products based on what areas and problems you would like to fix.

填料 usually only have mild side effects. 常见的副作用包括肿胀, 瘀伤, and redness at the site of the injection that can last up to seven days.

之前 & 后的照片






Female patient receives facial injectables

Our facial cosmetic specialists use the following injectable fillers:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers (including Restylane & Juvederm Ultra Plus
  • Radiesse
  • 乳酸
  • Silikon 1000 

玻尿酸填充剂(Restylane) & Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Juvederm Ultra & Ultra Plus, Juvederm Voluma, Belotero)  

These are the most commonly used fillers in the US. Hyaluronic fillers are similar to a 自然ly occurring hyaluronic acid that’s found in the connective tissues of your skin. 这些化合物与水结合. Because of this, they are good at restoring volume in the skin and softening lines and wrinkles.

These products are safe and effective to use and can last up to two years (Voluma). 


Radiesse is a composite type filler that is made up of small spheres and a smooth gel. 化妆品 professionals use Radiesse to augment (or plump up) the cheeks, 鼻唇沟, and most recently for the skin on the hands. Radiesse is a safe and effective filler that can last up to two years. 

For some patients, radiesse injections can stimulate the body's own production of collagen. This can lengthen downtime needed between follow-up injections.


乳酸 is a filler that works best to fight overall facial volume loss—or loss of fullness in your face. It stimulates skin cells to produce more collagen over time, 结果是更加饱满, 自然, 年轻的面容. 乳酸 can also help correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds that appear with aging.

It will take several months to see full results of 乳酸. 病人 typically require multiple injection sessions. The results of 乳酸 are long lasting and patients may see benefits for more than 24 months.

Silikon 1000

Silikon is a medical-grade silicone solution and is a permanent filler. This treatment is inexpensive and best to treat many scars at once so patients don’t need repeated treatments over time. Most patients need a series of injections (usually four to five). Injections are spaced six to eight weeks apart from each other.

Silikon triggers your skin to produce collagen, which slowly fills in volume loss or scars. 大发娱乐使用微滴技术, meaning we use very small volumes of silicon at each injection site. This helps prevent the product from moving to different areas in your skin. 它还可以减少结节的形成.

Most common side effects include 瘀伤 and mild swelling at the treatment sites.


Fat injections can help correct wrinkles, depressions (caves) in the skin, and/or scarring. 在脂肪注射治疗期间, doctors inject a patient’s own fat (usually from the belly, 腿, or buttocks) into thinner areas on the patient’s body. This type of procedure is called microlipoinjection. During microlipoinjection, doctors transfer or recycle fat from one body area to another. This allows cosmetic doctors to re-contour (reshape) your skin.

Doctors use a tiny needle to extract (or remove) fat in other areas of your body and then re-inject that fat into the selected site. Many patients prefer this treatment choice because it uses your own fat, which lowers your chances of having an allergic reaction.

To determine if an injectable filler or fat injectable filler is the right decision for you, please request a consultation with one of our cosmetic specialists.


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