

呼吸困难 is a medical term to describe shortness of breath or difficulty catching your breath. 你可能会偶尔、经常或一直感到呼吸急促. 如果你担心呼吸困难, 大发娱乐的专家会大发娱乐你诊断病因并得到你需要的治疗.


的 呼吸困难 Clinic at U of U Health was the first of its kind in the western United States combining the expertise of both a pulmonologist 和 cardiologist in the same clinic. 心脏病专家 和 位肺脏 at U of U Health work together to diagnose 和 treat patients for a wide variety of heart or lung conditions that cause dyspnea, 或者呼吸短促. This combined expertise clinic is the only clinic in the Mountain West region to bring together these specialists for diagnosing the causes of dyspnea.

We offer advanced imaging 和 other diagnostic studies that provide insight into causes 和 conditions beyond what a typical medical office is able to identify. 作为一个学术研究机构, we also keep up with all the latest studies 和 treatments in cardiology 和 pulmonology to provide our patients with the most advanced care f或者呼吸短促.



  • 夜间呼吸困难,这种情况主要发生在晚上睡觉的时候.
  • 劳力性呼吸困难,当你在剧烈运动等活动中使用你的身体时,就会发生这种情况.
  • 端坐呼吸,当你躺下时感到呼吸急促和不适时,就会出现这种情况. 这通常是心力衰竭的征兆. 躺下会让你的心脏更容易将血液输送到全身. 然而,如果你有正骨呼吸,你的心脏不够强壮,无法将所有的血液泵出. 额外的血液流入肺部,使这种体位呼吸困难.


的 most common symptom of dyspnea is having trouble 呼吸 or feeling unable to catch your breath. 当你是:

  • 在运动中努力锻炼自己, 
  • 做正常的日常活动,或者
  • 坐着或躺着的时候. 


  • 你胸口的刺痛,
  • 胸闷,
  • 水肿(腿部和脚部肿胀);
  • 手指和脚趾变蓝或变色,
  • 窒息的感觉,窒息的感觉
  • 头晕. 


如果你突然感到呼吸急促, 马上去急诊室或拨打911寻求大发娱乐. For mild shortness of breath, sit down or find a place that you can rest until you catch your breath.





If dyspnea comes on suddenly 和 is persistent, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.  

有些人可能会把呼吸短促归咎于年龄增长或身材走样. 然而,呼吸困难可能是更严重的健康问题的征兆. See a doctor if you have shortness of breath, especially if you notice it getting worse over time. 

You should also see a specialist if you wake up several times during the night with shortness of breath or you are extremely tired 和 cannot stay awake during the day. 这些可能是阻塞性睡眠障碍的征兆.

氧含量 & 呼吸急促(气促)

You can measure oxygen levels at home with a low-cost device called a pulse oximetry meter (or pulse oximeter). 这些设备可以在网上或当地药店买到. 

脉搏血氧计夹在你的手指末端. 几秒钟后, 它能显示你的血液向身体输送氧气的情况, 高达100%(完全氧饱和度). 健康成年人的血氧浓度应该在92%以上,最好在95%以上. 如果你的血氧计读数为90%或以下,请去看医生. 


It can be difficult for you to know whether your dyspnea is the result of a problem with your heart, 你的肺, 或两个. 的 first step to finding the cause of your dyspnea is to get the correct tests 和 an accurate diagnosis from a cardiology or pulmonary specialist.


如果你有呼吸困难, 你的初级保健医生可能会做一些基本的检查,试图找出原因. 这些包括: 

  • 心电图(EKG); 
  • 超声心动图,
  • 胸部x光片,
  • spirometry 和 diffusing capacity 呼吸 test (呼吸 into a tube several times to measure lung function), or
  • 各种血液检查.




U of U Health的呼吸困难诊所大发娱乐提供了深入的研究, 专门的测试选项,以了解更多可能导致呼吸困难的原因. Primary health care clinics do not offer these tests so you will need to see one of our dyspnea specialists to get them done.


  • 左或右心脏导管大发娱乐将插入一个小的, 将柔韧的细管插入左或右心脏以诊断心脏问题.
  • 〇心脏影像扫描We can use several types of imaging scans to see what is happening in the muscles 和 tissues in 和 around your heart. 这些包括心脏MRI,心脏CT和胸部CT扫描. 
  • 压力和运动测试We will ask you to do different exercises to see how your body h和les exercise 和 monitor your heart rate, 呼吸, 还有血压. 其中包括心脏压力测试, 心肺运动试验(CPET), 6分钟步行测试(6MWT). 
  • 支气管镜检查,We will insert a thin tube with a camera into the 肺 so we can see the airways inside 你的肺. 如有必要,大发娱乐也会采集组织样本. We can also use a special type of bronchoscope (EBUS) with an ultrasound probe on the end to localize specific areas in the 肺. 
  • 夜间血氧定量法,大发娱乐会整晚不间断地监测你血液中的氧含量. 这通常是在家里用手指上的设备完成的.
  • 多导睡眠图-We will monitor your brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate, 和 呼吸 during a sleep test.
  • 活组织检查,大发娱乐将从你的心脏取一小块组织样本, 肺, or other part of your body 和 send it to the lab for testing to help determine specific diagnoses. 
  • 胸腔穿刺术,We will insert a needle into your chest to remove fluid from a small area between 你的肺 和 your chest wall. 这个部位的液体会使呼吸困难. 
  • 肺VQ扫描We will use ventilation (V) scans to measure air flow 和 perfusion (Q) scans to measure blood flow in 你的肺.  
  • 定位肺功能试验(PFTs) -大发娱乐将测量你在不同体位下的呼吸和肺功能, 比如站起来, 坐着, 躺下. 



的 treatment of dyspnea depends on the specific diagnosis causing your shortness of breath. 的 specialists at U of U Health have extensive experience diagnosing conditions that cause shortness of breath. 一旦你有了诊断, our specialists at the 呼吸困难 Clinic will provide treatment recommendations or refer you to the right specialist for further care.



  • Bring your lips together like you are going to whistle 和 make a small “o” while taking deep breaths through your mouth. 这会迫使你放慢呼吸. 
  • 坐在椅子上,身体前倾,放松身体. 当你身体前倾时,在腿上放一张桌子或一个枕头来支撑你.
  • St和 with your back against a wall or place your h和s on a table to support your body while you relax 和 take deep breaths.
  • 如果你躺下时呼吸急促, place one or more pillows behind your back 和 one under your knees to help open your airways.


  • 健康饮食 
  • 经常锻炼,
  • 避免接触可能引发哮喘的过敏原或污染物,
  • 充足的睡眠,
  • 不吸烟,以及
  • 保持健康的体重.


在你开始任何锻炼计划之前和你的医生谈谈,讨论什么是最适合你的. 大多数人每天应该锻炼30分钟, 每周五天(每周150分钟).  然而, if you should start slow 和 gradually build up your exercise tolerance if you have not been exercising regularly.   

重要的是,从简单的开始,随着时间的推移逐渐增加更激烈的运动. 运动时感到呼吸急促是正常的. 这表明你的身体正在努力工作. 然而, stop 和 talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms during exercise: 

  • 头晕,
  • 呼吸极度困难,
  • 胸闷或刺痛,或者
  • 心跳不规则或非常快.

You can use a pulse oximeter or other wearable device during exercise to measure your heart rate 和 oxygen levels. 你的大部分运动应该在你最大心率的50%到85%之间. 的 美国心脏协会 有没有根据你的年龄绘制的最大心率和目标心率区域的图表. 

如果你的心率远远高于目标区,放慢速度,减少运动量. 如果你在下面,试着多做一点运动来提高你的心率.


呼叫 801-585-7676 to see one of our pulmonary or cardiology specialists f或者呼吸短促 in the 呼吸困难 Clinic. 大发娱乐提供者也可以使用大发娱乐的 网上转介表格

Most people do not need a referral from a primary care provider (PCP) to see one of our specialists. 然而, insurance plans sometimes require that you get a referral from your PCP to see a specialist. If you have questions about your coverage 和 what is required, contact your insurance carrier. 




你呼吸短促吗? Chronic thromboembolic 肺动脉高压 (CTEPH) is a rare disease that causes pressure to build up in the arteries inside 你的肺. 大约4%的肺栓塞患者也患有CTEPH, 呼吸短促是主要症状.


运动时总是上气不接下气? 你可能有呼吸困难

如果你发现自己在锻炼时喘不过气来,那你可能身材走样了... 或者这可能是更严重问题的征兆.

了解更多关于锻炼的信息 & 呼吸困难